Monday, October 5, 2009


A relationship that brings a sense of connection, that demonstrates how I am cared about, and that I have an intimate relationship that displays how I am heard and valued.

This works both ways. I am bringing a strong connection to the relationship, I show how much I care about the other person, I have displayed an intimate relationship and I hear and value the other persons feelings and thoughts. Is this really happening on any level?

How can you say you love me when you have some very devoted and loving women who are good women, who have devoted their lives to taking care of you? I would rather believe that you are in love with them and have moved on from me. These women feel entitled. They have given up a lot to assist you in every way. They love you and expect that if you are ever going to have a loving, intimate relationship then its going to be with them. At least one of them. After all they have earned it. Dont they deserve your love and attention?

I would think that love would be faithful and rewarding. If I've done the most noble of things,then I deserve the reward, the prize, the love. What are you thinking with these relationships. Are you being supportive? Are you keeping things bottled up? Who are you confiding in and are you making decisions when you are not angry or hurt?

I have been spending a lot of time on my own since we started our break a week ago. I have one more week to go so I am now trying to finish things I didnt get to previously. I'm not saving the world, just trying to keep my head about me when everything else seems to be confusing and demanding. Trying to stay sane. I'm no good to anyone if I am delusional.

Lord I pray that we can find the strength and courage to make a calm and appropriate choice and stick with it. Our children are making erratic choices made from anger over the smallest of things. Do we give up and just keep housing them like cattle in jails and poor housing? Is the Harlem Children's Zone really the answer? Maybe its an answer. It seems to be something that my Area is buying into. Does it work? Can we see change throughout and not just in random pockets? Is there a secret, a recipe, a formula? If we do this, and this, then it will work.

Now that we are no longer worried about the olympics, something that was the greatest longshot anyway, can we now concentrate on the safety of our children? This is so layered its almost impossible to change. Students raised by people who are at and below the poverty level. Ao you know they are angry and depressed. Government and business who feel any help is turning our society into a socialistic government rather than keeping it the capitalistic society. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. Not until the economic situation changes, will the violence change. To reach their heart we have to get their attention. How do we get generations of non readers and non contributors to the main stream society to care about wanting something different?

How do we support each other to allow growth and depth to occur? Where do we find the strength to make the hard choices? Its never too late to make a change. Make a step towards change.

“Although you can not go back and have a brand new beginning, you can still create a brand new end”

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