Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Soul Pants for You

Where can I go to be in relationship with you?

God wants to be in relationship with me. God wants to teach me about love. I want to know what love is. I want to know what real love is. I must seek the Lord. Until I seek the Lord I cannot receive His real blessing. Am I in position for a blessing? Am I the prey or the predator? Is this role interchanging? How do I protect myself. The enemy knows that it can wear us out. It can send us to other sources to find our refreshment. But the psalmist says I want to run to God. I want God to be the one that refreshes me. I want God to handle my attackers. I need something that will fix me for the long term. Not a temporary fix, I need something that can sustain me for the long term. A relationship with God.

Fellowship is important, you can be in relationship but not in fellowship. I want to be in fellowship. I want to care and know about your day to day happenings. I want to know how your day is going. What was good about it and what was difficult. From the smallest thing to the largest thing. What was important to you today. What are you occupying your time with these days? What are intimate with. What has given you passion that you want to seek it out and develop it to the utmost. Who are you intimate with today?

Intimacy promises joy. Not happiness but joy. Joy comes in the morning. I got that Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy down in my heart. The Joy of the Lord is my strength. When you have joy you are strong. You can have a harmonious marriage. You can go through the fire and still lift your hands and praise God. You cant get joy at a liquor store, smoking blunts, or abusing drugs. There is not any joy. Joy is the revelation that God is inside of me. God is with me.

Keep your mind stayed on Jesus.

I'm tired and I need to be close to you. I need to be refreshed, rejuvenated. Pick me up. I don't understand anything right now. I'm confused and tired. Wrap me in your arms, show me the way, I need you to guide me and direct me. I need you. I need you I need you. I want to know your ways and I want to wait for understanding from you. I dedicate myself to you. I stretch my hands to you. I need you, daily.

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