Sunday, May 25, 2008

Let's Make This Work

I am listening to you now and I am watching you on Trinity webcast. It keeps going in and out but the message is clear.

Racism is still alive and well in the United States.

If you look into the heart of America it looks like racism has had a second breath.

Its in the brick and mortar of this country. Its in the DNA.

This country is built on racism.

Your wife isnt a very good cook and quite frankly you cant find her.

I guess you arent really looking anymore.

We have a wall that we continue to keep mending instead of just tearing it down.

We have not sensitized ourself to love and save each other. We save every other animal but we cant save each other. We cant respect each other. We have to reverence each other and love each other.

God says how dare you say you love me when you do not love the people that you do see. Teach us to pray. Every time Jesus prayed to the Father he got.

We are all one in Christ Jesus. We have discovered church but we still have not discovered Jesus. When we truly discover Jesus, walls come down. The failure then becomes an issue of the heart. Jesus said love one another.

Sin. You cant repent from a sin you have not had the guts to acknowledge.

Now the broadcast has gone out. What ever you are saying I am sure its dynamite. Its 7:08 and the broadcast is until 7:30 so I suspect that you will end the broadcast. I am waiting and waiting and waiting for it to come back on.

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