Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ask, Believe and Recieve


Get a clear Idea of what I want to be. Have a picture in my mind of what I will look like when I become that perfect me.


Believe that I will receive and that what I BELIEVE IS ALREADY MINE. See myself there in my thoughts and words and actions.



I must feel good about myself. I must attract the good that I want. Think perfect thoughts about myself and I will attract the perfect things around  me.

The final thing is always "How Long Does it Take?"

It takes as long as it takes me to get to the place of believing, knowing and feeling that I already have it. I want it to be effortless.

I want to attract the good things to me. I want to think positive. My mind is focused on the good and positive things in life.

I see myself talking to you. I see us having a good time. I see myself happy.

I have been counting down the days.

12 days until the end of school.

1 more class until my Wednesday night Materials Science class is over.

Two weeks until I begin my water aerobics again.

I have no desire to do any surveys.

I have gotten calls to do phone surveys and I am not going to do them. People constantly want to know why you think the way you think. Why did you purchase this, why did you vote this way. Can we take up some of your time and ask you some questions.

We have been practicing for ribbon pinning and passing of the candle. That will take place Friday.  Next week is the luncheon, the the Monday following is graduation. I cant wait until its over. We have had a long year and its time to celebrate.

Good Night and sweet dreams.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.


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