Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Good Night


How was your day?

Today we saw  a short film about the war in Uganda. The children that are displaced and the horrible living conditions. We are connecting with a group from Loyola to communicate via Internet with a school there. I think the children will be very excited about it.

Lord I confess all of my faults and my slips and my sins to you. I am earnestly seeking your assistance in all that I am responsible for. I seem to have to take care of all of my father's stuff. My stuff and it just seems so much. Sometimes I seem overwhelmed. I am counting down the days until July 20th. Then I am seeking my new position. What will that be? Location is important, but not the most important. What is the most important? How do I decide? What will make me happy or at least keep me sane? I thought working the summer with good children would help me decide. I have put  a picture of you and me on my binder. Big 8 x 11 picture. I brought it as an artifact that we had to bring to show what is part of our life. My church and activism is very much a part of my life. I was sneaky by having you represent that aspect of my life. Now I get to see you through out my day.The days seem so long in the morning, the afternoons go by swiftly. I think the coffee has kicked in by then.Two more days and then the real fun begins with the children. At least we will be near the beach. Loyola is a nice campus. Why am I traveling so far? I work in the city, I go to church in the city, I spend a lot of time with friends in the city, when I hang with friends. Why am I out here in the burbs? There is nothing that I am connected to out here. The only thing would be my family and they have been here for almost 10 years now.  Well I'm going finish reading this book and get ready for tomorrow. good Night.Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to someone.

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