Friday, June 22, 2007

Friends are like lights

Tonight I went out to celebrate a birthday for one of the church members. We really aren't that friendly but I have no problems with her and I thought this might be ok. The group dynamics were interesting since I really am not that familiar with most of the people. What really got me was how certain ones tried to stiff people on the bill. They wanted us to pay for things that they ordered that we didn't. "Oh lets just split the bill evenly"

Not when we are at an upscale restaurant anyway and I didn't really want to go anyway. Now I am reassured never to do that again. That's too much money for challenging company. I enjoyed talking to the birthday girl and her mom but the organizer of the event was too rude and sneaky.  Some lights shine bright, some have blown out and need to be changed. How was your day?

Good Night. See you at the march.

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