Monday, September 4, 2006

Good Morning


Good Morning Lord. I am coming to you after a very exhaustive night. I was stung by a bee and then had a bad reaction. All of my allergies went into high gear and I am going to the hospital today. Lord, what the heck is going on. I have never been stung by a bee before, my allergies and stuff were trying to get under control and now, this. Now I have to try and get well enough to greet my students tomorrow with a bright shiny face. Good attitude, good thoughts. I have to stay positive. Lord I will just have to continue to believe in the ridiculous. With you in it Lord, what will happen will happen. I have to take better care of myself. Some things we can avoid and others we can't. Now I get to add bee sting to the long list of allergies. Lord, I will walk by faith that today will go smoothly, I will see a doctor who knows what he is doing and the wait wont be too terribly long. Walk with me today Lord and dispatch your angels to help guide me as I go along.

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