Thursday, April 6, 2006

Good NIght


I am home for the first time this week before 10 pm.

So what are you doing?

I guess I could just end this day and say what a good day it was but no, that's not enough. NOw , because I said I didnt want my kids at my church or in my life, I have found out that one of the other teachers has a neice that is a dancer, the school is also trying to plan something at the skating center. My whole I dont want them involved in my christian life has been totally exposed and invaded. Next thing some of the students and staff will be at church. I'm just waiting for the day. No longer will I have any anonymitiy. What difference does it make at this point now. I didnt want them to invade my life but it seems it has happened anyway. All you have to do is say you dont want something and BAM there it is.

Well, enough for tonight, I have so much to do and I dont think Im going to do any of it.

Good Night and have a very pleasant and relaxing evening.


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