Sunday, April 9, 2006

Good Evening


This afternoon when I said HI I think I said it too energetic. One of your armorbearers was acting like he was going to take my head off. It seemed as if I was getting a little to friendly. Well he might as well get used to that. I plan to keep getting friendly. I know they are suppose to protect you and God knows I want them to be sharp and supicious but not with me.

I am wathcing The Eiger Sanction, The Bodyguard, Saving Private Ryan and a little of Cash in the Attic. I have seen them all so of course I'm a big channel changer. I'm getting my dose of interacial relationships, a little history and war stuff, my auction antique craze and just some good fun.

When I locked my keys in the car on Monday and I couldnt get a company to come out there I had to call at least eight different companies until I called this hispanic company back and pleaded with them to come out to open my door. I was mad that no one would come into that area. I believe the Minnesota people didnt come due to the recent church shooting on Tuesday. They were thinking that it could happen to them. Its unfortunate that young man had to die. Some of thesechurches and their members are not on the up and up and the nonsense that follows can really get someone killed.

Today's service was great. I feel that you are trying to reach the people on a personal level. Hold them accountable for their actions. Believe in God and Jesus and act accordingly. I plan to be at all the services this week. I will spend some time in prayer after the Thursday night dinner. I will be there for both seven last words, of course I will be at the Baptism and then the creme de la creme, Easter Service, and I get to read. I'm so blessed to be able to do that. I am so happy about that. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am so excited about being a part of the Holy Week Service. My cup runneth over.
You may not ahve meant it for me but I am taking part of your service to heart. You gave me some compliments and I love you for that.

Today begins my week of doing stuff I have put off. I will first go to the dentist. I have a tooth that has been bothering me. Actually two, but one has started to hurt. I'm calling the dentist first thing in the morning. Next I have to clean my room and my daughter's room. I believe something crawled in her room and died. I closed the door and that has helped but not enough. Prenatal appointments next week, fixing up the baby room at my house even though she doesnt live here but I know she will return and with the baby. Getting my report cards ready for when I return and just trying to relax.  Also I want to clean my yard and put down the fertilizer. I hope to do most of this in the next three days. Thursday evening, Friday and Saturday are all filled. Sunday is just not a day for doing anything. Then its back to work. Life is good and I know I am blessed to have this time off to do this stuff. God is good and HE loves me. So do you. I know you do, you may try to deny it but you do. And I love you. That you have to convince yourself of. You don't believe it but its true. I didnt believe that you loved me but now I do. Isnt that strange.

Enough analyzations and on to a quiet evening. Be blessed and know that I love you.

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