Thursday, October 27, 2005


I hope you are doing well and enjoying yourself.

I had something taken away from me yesterday that I needed. i allowed it to happen because I didnt give it the attention it needed when it needed it. I thought I had more time and I didnt. I regret that now. I'm sure there's a lesson for me in it. It always is.

I started talking about sexuality this morning and I feel there are some things I have to say. I dont want you to tell me about previous/current  love interest you may have had/have. I believe you to be a moral man and I believe that it is a struggle and challenge that you have found a way to conquer/subdue/mask. I just wonder about some things and it was on my mind. I know you have often mentioned sex with others relationships and I dont want you making blanket confessions to the community about your sex life. Thats not what I'm asking. I was just thinking about how many years it has been. How you mentioned how you were leaving when you first came to the community and how you have managed to stay and turn things around. Through all of that you have stayed faithful to your faith and religion. Women are constantly looked down upon in your religion. How do you cope with that knowing how you are now pulled in a different direction? Questions, questions, questions.

Well, I'm off to have another cup of tea and try to salvage what little bit of voice I have. I look forward to the weekend.

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