Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning

Its early, but its still morning for me. I can't sleep and I thought this would be as good a time as any to write. I didn't make an entry last night because I have some kind of bug. I'm losing my voice somehow. I plan to go to the doctor tomorrow. You never know what kind of bug is going around school. Enough said about that. In between the Vapor Rub, Tea, Lozengers and all the other stuff to treat the symptoms but not actually cure anything, I thought I would write to you.

When I was driving in yesterday I saw a rainbow. It was so bright and clear. The traffic was slow because of the spotty rain showers and as I moved by it I was reminded of God's promise to us. This was really significant to me because the day before, out of my classroom window one of the children pointed out to me that there was a rainbow. Again it was a bright and clear rainbow. I took a picture of it. I told them I would bring it to class for our room. Two days in a row I had a rainbow in the morning. God wants me to remember His promises and I do. He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is faithful and true to His word. God loves me. God love you.

Rejuvenate yourself and renew your mind. You have given me a wealth of inner strength and I revel in that. You protect your congregation and we need you to protect yourself. Restore and renew your mind. We love you. I love you. Take Care of yourself.


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