Its early but its still morning for me. I came in and had some tea and all my other soothing vapors and logenzer to help my voice return. After two more days of talking to my children I didn't have much voice left, if any. There is such a winning spirit around town. Go Sox!!! The attitude is so great. Where I am, not everyone can afford to wear the jerseys and stuff so they wear white ankle socks to show their support. Everyone has the spirit. The attitude is we're a winner. We did it!!! Its a good feeling to be part of a city that has such good vibrations flowing. Yeah for the weekend. This will be a good weekend for my brother, he's a cab driver and people love to celebrate!!
I thought I was going to have to go to a training session tomorrow but it was canceled until next week. My Saturday is my own. Well, sort of, there's always that mound of papers that needs to be corrected. Its never ending. It just continues to grow and grow and grow. I check papers everyday and still it grows. The good thing is students are working.
I know you are a European American Causasian/White. I know I am African American Negroid/Black/Colored. Whatever term fits your sensibility level of comfort.
I know who I am and what I am. I know who you are and what you are. This isn't the first time I have dated outside the color line. The 50's term seems to best describe the situation. Its something that people are constantly making note of and something that I feel doesnt warrant all that attention. We are all human beings who breathe the same air and have blood that is red. I used to not date black men. How my ex husband got through was because I listened to people tell me I should marry a black man, I don't know why, it didn't make him a responsible person, or me change my mind about black men and their responsibility to their families, it just reinforced it. If I'm stereotpyical about anything its my own race. Color has never been an issue for me. Its always been character of the person. Character counts. I don't believe in saying color doesn't exist because my social justice nature won't allow me to say that I am color blind. I see color, privilege, and exculsions as clear as can be. I don't categorize people in one lump sum. I believe hatred of another race is taught and nurtured. You have to be taught how and why to hate. Even then, you have to embrace it and be challenged to continue that belief against all odds. Then you have to learn to regard others as subhumans and treat them with disrespect. This works both ways too.
I say this because you said "I'm white" one day, and I never addressed it. Yes you are and be proud of it. Be proud of who you are. I encourage everyone to know who they are and be proud of it. Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud. Not pride, just healthy self esteem and love of yourself.