Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Promises of God Repeated

Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for your trust. I am repeating this because this sermon helped me this morning. 

The Promises of God are YES and AMEN!
Bring back the remembrances of God's promises. Water the promises. The promise is good but maybe you didn't water the promise.

 Is this the day? Am I stepping out on something that is not going to happen. You must have the faith to confess that it will happen. Water and nurture the confession with faith. When the son of man returns, will he find faith? My hand is the faith that releases into the spiritual and pulls it into the natural.

This is the season of loosing faith. Awake from your sleep. Be ready. You don't know the hour or the day of his return. Stretch you spiritual imagination. God will burst into your life. Jesus has a tendency of bursting into our lives all the time. Jesus will break into your life and interrupt your daily schedule.

Sometimes Jesus is speaking to us and we don't hear him. What leaves do I need to fall off that are stifling my growth. Don't hold on to leaves that will kill you. Let them go. You will die spiritually, emotionally or even physically. Expect new hope, new joy, new peace. What do I need to shake off today?

 Maybe its the leaf of lying, selfishness, consumed with house, job, or a relationship, maybe its anger, wanting punishment for somebody that has kept you in a prison, maybe doubt, questioning, wanting less, living less, just existing.

 Name a leaf to shake off today. doubt, unbelief, low self worth. Shake it off so that I can live and bear the new things in my life. Speak to the depth of my spirit. Promises of God stir up, bring back to remembrance the promises God made over every life in this sanctuary and in our city and our state.

Throw off the old stuff so God can loosen new stuff. Throw it off in the name of Jesus. I shall live and not die. the promises of God are Yes and Amen.

 I am getting ready for a new life. One that God has prepared for me. My life will be fulfilling and loving. I will be mature and responsible. I will feel needed and loved. I will not ignore nor will I be ignored.

 I will do my best, for my God is a healer and knows how to mend my broken heart. When I have doubts about a promised relationship, God will reassure me that its solid.

God will have my back, I can trust God, God will allow me to put my trust in someone else to build a strong relationship together where no one can come in and tear us apart because we are joined together in love and commitment. We trust one another. We have a covenant with each other that we honor and will not break.

We will not be tempted to stray and disrespect one another. We believe that God has joined us together until the end. Divorce is not an option. We will work through our difficulties together. We find strength in each other.

 God is our shield and shelter. together, we are able to succeed. We love one another and care for each other with a gentleness and kindness that is reflected in our daily activities with each other. We are not hurtful and sarcastic and demeaning to one another. We love one another. We are in love with each other. We believe in each other. God has a plan and we are in that plan.

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