Monday, July 25, 2011

Better Days are Coming

Thank you Lord for hope. I trust you Lord. I look for all of your opportunities this week. I look to you Lord. I wish no ill will on anyone. There is no hate or strife. I'm moving forward in love. I don't have the answers. I don't seem to have much to say. I don't know what to say. This year has been difficult for everyone. I stay in prayer and continue to just do what is expected of me. I am not a victim. Many people have horrible things to get over. I pray for families who are affected by addictions and those affected by mental health problems. My problems are small and insignificant compared to the on going problems in our city and our world.  Better Days are coming. When I think about the future I have to keep focusig on the positive. If I don't then I give in to the doom and gloom. The devil is a liar who comes to kill, steal and to destroy and Jesus came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. So if I am here, then there is something for me to do for God. My life is not worthless and I have a better future ahead if I just stay the course, keep focusing on God. Do what God seems to want e to do and listen to God's Word in my life. I confess my sins and pray that I can be a beacon for God's will.

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