Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Days

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah

I see nothing but a brighter future than what was in the past.

I refuse to let the devil steal my future. I plan on fighting for it. Even if I spend silent moments just standing in front of you. Something is better than nothing.  The closer we get, the better I feel and trust me we will get closer. We will just stand next to each other until conversation is not a problem. We will meet every challenge with drive and effort. Nothing is too hard for us and defeat is not on our tongue. We will forgive until we get it right. We will seek each other's company and find comfort in that decision.  I have the utmost confidence in us getting it right. We have to keep that air on, what the heck was that. I stopped this morning to get you some Florstor, in case you  didn't get some for yourself, but you said you were feeling fine so I can only hope that you actually picked up some.  If you did, you know it works. You know, taking care of you is important to me.

I sat up front today. Up close and personal, to you. I like sitting up front close to you. Though that little 4 year old next to me could care less about being up front. That's why I sit farther away most of the time. He is too much of a distraction. We went to the fireworks out here. It was OK, not the big city at all, but still nice, though I heard a lot of cities were not doing the fireworks due to the cost.

Well good night and be blessed. I pray this is the start of something good. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special. I love the Lord and I love you.

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