Monday, April 26, 2010

Trusting God for My Mate

Father God in the name of Jesus I believe that you are providing a mate for me that will be a help. According to your Word I will adapt myself to respect, honor, esteem and prefer him. I will stand firmly by his side united in spirit and purpose, having the same love and being in full accord and of one harmonious mind and intention. Father God you say that a wise, understanding and prudent wife is from You and he who finds a true wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of you. Father God I believe that you have sent your best and that doubt, wavering, and insincerity are not part of him. Father God he acknowledges your full counsel with all wisdom and knowledge. He does not speak or act contrary to your Word. He walks in love, desiring those things that are more like you God. Everything that is not of you God will be removed from our lives so that we can walk together professing our love and commitment to a Christ like life.I thank you for perfecting you Word in my life. Lord keep me through all my failures and know that I am yours. Renew my mind, spirit and soul. I love you Lord and want to do your will. I understand its not about me and what I want, but about you and your purpose. Find a niche for me Lord. Help me to fit in. God Bless You today. Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to Someone. I love you.

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