Monday, November 30, 2009

Individual Growth

Thank You in the name of Jesus for today. I am in the presence of God and I know that Jesus is Lord. Intercede in my life to deliver me from demonic forces that try to keep me bound. Father God I speak to the spirit of lack and disillusion, procrastination, inability to have a conversation of worth, laziness, contempt, greed, gluttony, envy, strife, jealousy, anything that is not of you Jesus.

Father God whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Lord you have said for me to cast out my demons in the name of Jesus and I cast them out.

I look forward to my future. My future is so bright I have to wear shades. You know I did an educational workforce video with that same title in the 80's. I was the "minority in authority".But that was then and this is now. I remember it, I don't dwell on it. I am not going backwards I am going forward.

I have a new picture for my future. I move forward in victory because I walk with my shield of faith, breastplate of righteousness and sword of truth. I have renewed faith in my future. I am loved and I know it. God loves me, I love me and you love me. I am loved, I am worthy, I am needed.

I believe that I am a winner. I am willing to go through the change. When God calls us to do a task we must be faithful and diligent until its completed. Stay the course, be a finisher. Cheerfully do God's work. Don't let it become a drudgery of heavy burden. Rejoice that you have a purpose in God's Kingdom Plans. I look forward to finishing God's Plan in my life. I look forward to being successful.

Sometimes we can grow tired or discouraged when obstacles block our path. Sometimes the very people we are trying to help mock us and we are truly tempted to give up.

We feel unappreciated and helpless. When this happens we need a fresh word from God. A word that rebukes us and offers us strong encouragement and genuine hope. God reminds us how its not about us, its about Him. Our task, our job is just a small piece of the big picture. But still very important. We are important and we are loved.

We can be the champions that God wants us to be. We are Believers in His Word and we are doers of His word. We must believe that we can change and that our change will accomplish great things.

We must stand in the midst of any adversity that comes our way. Sometimes we can grow weary doing God's will. When God calls me to do something, I am excited. I have great zeal and enthusiasm, but after the problems and disappointments begin my enthusiasm wanes and I slow down on the project. So God reminds me of where I have been, my hunger for Him throughout all of my crisis, and how He brought me through everything, big and small. I can do nothing without the Lord on my side.

...Return to Me ...and I will Return to You..-Zechariah 1:3

God is calling me to complete the task that he has placed before me, no matter the obstacles, no matter the problem. See it from God's perspective and know that it is part of God's Master Plan.

Believe that I can rule my thought life and I can accomplish great things. Keep God close in my thoughts and in my heart. Do what needs to be done. Know that I can only complete my task with God's help and blessing. God Rules!!!! Satan is defeated.

I give thanks to God for all that he has done, is doing and for the bright future that He has planned for me. Glory Be to God!!!! I give God all the glory.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone, know that you are truly loved and you are a blessing to me.

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