Friday, July 17, 2009

Father God Save Us

God's ways are not our ways.
God's dream for our life is much bigger and better.

God, what is going on with our children? How can they just recklessly shoot each other with such disregard for life.

Father God we lift your name up in our hearts and we stand on your word that you are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. We don't know the reason for things that happen but we do know the devil is a liar and we are overcomers.

We shall not be defeated. God is still in control of our lives. We know that we have to stand on the word of God.

Our children will heal. We speak life over them and over the children that committed the crime. Their life is worth something too. We speak life over their families and community.

We shall not be defeated. We will not let a setback keep us down. God gives hope to the hopeless. God lifts the fallen. God has a plan for our life. Don't pity yourself. Don't blame yourself. The devil is busy so you must be keeping God's Word and Promise. Love God and Love Yourself. You are a wonderful person and a wonderful child of God. Stay open to a different path, a new way of doing it, a new dream. Its not over til God says its over and if you are still here, God has a plan. Lets get our fire going. Turn this mess into lemonade.

Be blessed and be a blessing. I love you.

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