Tuesday, April 7, 2009

You are a magnet to my heart

I dont know why I am constantly thinking about you and wondering how we can make this better.
What is the attraction?
How is it that I feel we have so much to gain and that it would be a loss to lose you? You are in my soul, my mind and in my heart.
I want this to work and I want it to work with a true passion infinite and long lasting love. What the heck is going on? How do you love a man who spy's on you? Someone who doesn't trust you, someone who has done it for years and found nothing, nothing, nothing. Have you changed your mind, are you convinced this is wrong, what have you gained? How has this benefited you? What have you accomplished? I have know for so long but thought that at some point you would see there is nothing, I am boring and simple, what have you gained? Nothing. Nothing, Nothing.

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