Monday, March 9, 2009

God's Gift

What do you do when your faith is challenged by others? You speak and stand in courage. Through the Holy Spirit you speak the word of God boldly. You remind each other that love is a gift of God.

You understand how much you need each other when faced with the constant challenge of experiencing and communicating the gospel to the world.

God meets a need in your life when he gives you a valuable and loving gift of love by another human being. " All the believers were one in heart and mind" Acts 4:32

Father God I pray and confess that we are able to endure a long and faithful relationship. I pray for good health and a long life together.

I pray that we are patient and kind to each other. That we do not boil over with jealousy and envy. I pray that we are not rude and prideful to each other.

We do not rejoice in wrongdoing and injustice to each other. I pray that our union together is under girded with truth and righteousness. I pray that we are able to bear up under anything that comes our way.

I pray that we are able and ready to believe the best of each other. That we are ready to support and encourage and love each other.

I pray that our hopes are never swayed as long as we are together. I pray that we endure everything together with out weakening our faith and love for each other.

I pray that our love never fails. I pray that it never becomes obsolete or comes to an end. I pray that we hold each other in high esteem and delight in the company of one another.

I pray that we forgive each other readily and freely and take no offense that is held in our hearts or minds to be inflated or haughty.
I pray that we are imitators of God and copy his example of loved children who imitate their Father.

Thank You God that our relationship grows stronger each and every day and that we are found pleasing in your eyes.

Each and every day let us find our faith in Your Word and let us be an example of Your Love. We give you all the Praise, All the Glory, and All the Honor, In Jesus Name. Amen.

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