Good Morning, Good Morning. Thank You Lord for another day. Yesterday wasn't too bad, no arguments, just another day. Today I will wash clothes and write. No shopping for me. I don't have the cash to do it anyway. I will not buy into the fact that I need to own something today from the shops. If I am to live within my means then going out and spending hundreds of dollars today is not within my means. I will value the things I already have and adjust my thinking to prioritize my spending. Most of the time when you buy gifts, people don't want them or like them. That's why I give cash to the few people who actually get a present from me. That's what they want so they can chose their own gift. A card and cash. I have never had a complaint yet.
I hate the idea of washing clothes today. Our dryer went out and we will have to replace it. But in the mean time we still have to wash and dry so I have to go to the laundromat. What a chore. I tried washing at home and taking them to the dryers only but that is a pain since we only have one washer at home. So I am faced with doing the entire washing and drying at the laundry mat. Lugging the clothes to the car. Dragging them from the car. Hovering over the machines to make sure its doing what its suppose to do. Pretending that you are so interested in the workings of the washing machine so that you don't have to talk to anyone there. Making the mistake of catching someones eye and then they want to start talking. I think I just have a face that just says talk to me. Someone always does and I always respond kindly and attentively as if what ever they are talking about is the most important thing in my life right now. After the wash then its the dance of getting an dryer for all of your loads. Trying to get a dryer so you can then begin to fold, fold, fold, and fold. Then lug the clean clothes back to the car, back in the house and finally its done, until the next time. This time I have to wash my clothes and my dad's. I want to do it early and just get it over with. Resolve this problem now. Don't procrastinate. Go early and get back early. Be happy I have the soap and stuff that I need. Know that I can do this with ease. I'm pumping myself up for the task. OK, I'm ready, my pictures put things into perspective for me. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone. Don't spend too much money. I love you.
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