Oh My God. Here I am saying silly things and you are sick. I didnt even know anything until you told me today. Oh my God, please, please, please take the pain meds. That helps your body relax so you can actually pass the stone. Drink tons of water (something you need to do more of ) Of course I got home and looked up everything I could find out about kidney stones. What were you doing preaching today. I was very glad to see you but so sorry to see you in so much pain.
Go to this website and find out some more about kidney stones.
I will continue to pray that you are better. I love you. Not never but when. If not no.I believe it will happen. Somehow some way.
My heartfelt desire is to be true and sincere. To love God and to love my fellow man. To show my angst and happiness through words and deeds.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Gifts and Entitlements
"You dont know what you've got 'til it's gone"
God knows everything that we fail to appreciate. From the biggest to the smallest of things. Just waking up and getting out of bed is a blessing. Dressing ourselves and being able to speak to one another. Just the basic functions of our day to day lives. But let some illness or just simple aging begin to hamper our daily routine and then we begin to savor the times when we could do the simple things. We don't know what we have until its gone. Let us not take anything for granted. We are not entitled to another minute here on earth. Be grateful for what life has to offer. Find enjoyment in everyting that you do. I took the bull by the horns today and collected all of my stuff for NBC (that's what I will call the National Boards from now on). I went to the library, got a quiet study room, spread it all out, then I stayed for about four hours. I got a lot done. Mostly just being able to spread it out together and then to organize it. I feel so much better about my progress. I do not take the gift of life lightly. I do not take you for granted. Be Blessed today and be a blessing to someone special.
God knows everything that we fail to appreciate. From the biggest to the smallest of things. Just waking up and getting out of bed is a blessing. Dressing ourselves and being able to speak to one another. Just the basic functions of our day to day lives. But let some illness or just simple aging begin to hamper our daily routine and then we begin to savor the times when we could do the simple things. We don't know what we have until its gone. Let us not take anything for granted. We are not entitled to another minute here on earth. Be grateful for what life has to offer. Find enjoyment in everyting that you do. I took the bull by the horns today and collected all of my stuff for NBC (that's what I will call the National Boards from now on). I went to the library, got a quiet study room, spread it all out, then I stayed for about four hours. I got a lot done. Mostly just being able to spread it out together and then to organize it. I feel so much better about my progress. I do not take the gift of life lightly. I do not take you for granted. Be Blessed today and be a blessing to someone special.
Friday, November 28, 2008

Good Morning, Good Morning. Thank You Lord for another day. Yesterday wasn't too bad, no arguments, just another day. Today I will wash clothes and write. No shopping for me. I don't have the cash to do it anyway. I will not buy into the fact that I need to own something today from the shops. If I am to live within my means then going out and spending hundreds of dollars today is not within my means. I will value the things I already have and adjust my thinking to prioritize my spending. Most of the time when you buy gifts, people don't want them or like them. That's why I give cash to the few people who actually get a present from me. That's what they want so they can chose their own gift. A card and cash. I have never had a complaint yet.
I hate the idea of washing clothes today. Our dryer went out and we will have to replace it. But in the mean time we still have to wash and dry so I have to go to the laundromat. What a chore. I tried washing at home and taking them to the dryers only but that is a pain since we only have one washer at home. So I am faced with doing the entire washing and drying at the laundry mat. Lugging the clothes to the car. Dragging them from the car. Hovering over the machines to make sure its doing what its suppose to do. Pretending that you are so interested in the workings of the washing machine so that you don't have to talk to anyone there. Making the mistake of catching someones eye and then they want to start talking. I think I just have a face that just says talk to me. Someone always does and I always respond kindly and attentively as if what ever they are talking about is the most important thing in my life right now. After the wash then its the dance of getting an dryer for all of your loads. Trying to get a dryer so you can then begin to fold, fold, fold, and fold. Then lug the clean clothes back to the car, back in the house and finally its done, until the next time. This time I have to wash my clothes and my dad's. I want to do it early and just get it over with. Resolve this problem now. Don't procrastinate. Go early and get back early. Be happy I have the soap and stuff that I need. Know that I can do this with ease. I'm pumping myself up for the task. OK, I'm ready, my pictures put things into perspective for me. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone. Don't spend too much money. I love you.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
What Am I Thankful For
I am thankful for having someone to love.
I am thankful that I am able to make decisions for myself.
My word of the day is resolve. Resolve means to solve or settle differences, to make a firm decision, to state formally in a resolution.
To have great determination. As it orginates from the Latin, to untie, to have resolve is to be willing to disentangle and free myself from forces that oppose my decision. Even if I am struggling with myself.
I am thankful that I can strengthen my resolve. I can still work harder. I am thankful that God still loves me even after my mess ups.
I'm thankful that even though I lost loved ones this year, I was able to enjoy them while they were here.
I'm thankful that I have a job that allows me to meet my financial obligations. There was a time when that wasnt so.
I look back over my life and realize that God has brought me a long way. I may not be where I want to be but I am not where I was.
I'm thankful that my girls are healthy and working. They are supportive of the community that they live in, they have jobs and seem to be well rounded, loving people. I would only want them to go to church more. But I am thankful that I am not visiting a jail or hospital this year.
I pray for the ones who are visiting hospitals, jails and maybe are just alone. I know that we will not have people over. We will just be be six people who are in a house together. I know what the isolation is like when you are not fellowshipping with your family. We are living separate lives. We will cook different parts of the meal in the kitchen at different times. My mom and I arent talking again. My daughter and mom will do most of the talking to each other. My daughter and I are talking. My dad does almost no talking. My brother is sleeping due to his work schedule so he is not available till late. We dont sit down to eat together. We all go to our respective places, rooms or whatever. I usedto cook a huge meal bu this year I will not. With my other daughter gone, my brother's diet has drastically changed after his heart attack and diabetes scare, my dad doesnt need or even eat large amounts of food, its just a waste to make lots of food. That sounds so depressing. Its not that bad really. Just adjusting to a new way of living healthier and lighter.I am thankful that I have four days to work on my portfolio. This National Board is no joke. Meetings every week. Writing asignments. More meetings. Videotaping lessons. Let us not forget the fact that I still have a respondsibility as a teacher to prepare for my classes as well. This is above and beyond the regular, required and routine of my job. Thank You God for giving me the opportunity to do something so wonderful and reflective of my own teaching and style.
I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to find out who I am and what I amcapable of doing. Stretch me, mold me, give me an opportunity to expand, learn and explore. I pray that you are with people who you love today. I know you will have lots of company. I dont worry about you being alone since you have lots of contact and friends who have invited you to join with them. Be blessed today and know that you are loved very much.
I am thankful that I am able to make decisions for myself.
My word of the day is resolve. Resolve means to solve or settle differences, to make a firm decision, to state formally in a resolution.
To have great determination. As it orginates from the Latin, to untie, to have resolve is to be willing to disentangle and free myself from forces that oppose my decision. Even if I am struggling with myself.
I am thankful that I can strengthen my resolve. I can still work harder. I am thankful that God still loves me even after my mess ups.
I'm thankful that even though I lost loved ones this year, I was able to enjoy them while they were here.
I'm thankful that I have a job that allows me to meet my financial obligations. There was a time when that wasnt so.
I look back over my life and realize that God has brought me a long way. I may not be where I want to be but I am not where I was.
I'm thankful that my girls are healthy and working. They are supportive of the community that they live in, they have jobs and seem to be well rounded, loving people. I would only want them to go to church more. But I am thankful that I am not visiting a jail or hospital this year.
I pray for the ones who are visiting hospitals, jails and maybe are just alone. I know that we will not have people over. We will just be be six people who are in a house together. I know what the isolation is like when you are not fellowshipping with your family. We are living separate lives. We will cook different parts of the meal in the kitchen at different times. My mom and I arent talking again. My daughter and mom will do most of the talking to each other. My daughter and I are talking. My dad does almost no talking. My brother is sleeping due to his work schedule so he is not available till late. We dont sit down to eat together. We all go to our respective places, rooms or whatever. I usedto cook a huge meal bu this year I will not. With my other daughter gone, my brother's diet has drastically changed after his heart attack and diabetes scare, my dad doesnt need or even eat large amounts of food, its just a waste to make lots of food. That sounds so depressing. Its not that bad really. Just adjusting to a new way of living healthier and lighter.I am thankful that I have four days to work on my portfolio. This National Board is no joke. Meetings every week. Writing asignments. More meetings. Videotaping lessons. Let us not forget the fact that I still have a respondsibility as a teacher to prepare for my classes as well. This is above and beyond the regular, required and routine of my job. Thank You God for giving me the opportunity to do something so wonderful and reflective of my own teaching and style.
I am thankful that God has given me the opportunity to find out who I am and what I amcapable of doing. Stretch me, mold me, give me an opportunity to expand, learn and explore. I pray that you are with people who you love today. I know you will have lots of company. I dont worry about you being alone since you have lots of contact and friends who have invited you to join with them. Be blessed today and know that you are loved very much.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Challenge of Just Being Me
Just being who God made us to be is a challenge. When we try to live out the script of our lives we are forced to flip that script. Many things confront us and try to oppress our spirit and work against us. But our own inner desire for freedom gets stronger and stronger where we are at the point that we wont be forced into anything that is not of God. Do we allow ourselves to just be? Do we feel in sync with our destiny and circumstances? Are we continuing the quest for freedom, freedom to show us how to be and how to live, and how to stay courageous. I pray and confess that your word watches over me. I pray that I am a disciple of Christ and that I am obedient. I pray that the words in my heart honor, give esteem and value to our relationship which is more precious to me than jewels and gold.Father God you are aware of that which concerns me. You know the thoughts and concerns in my heart before I speak them. I am committed to you. I guard our relationship because you are more than enough. Lord I choose to obey your voice, I choose to love you. I choose to be driven towards this relationship. Why cant we spend Thanksgiving together? In my heart and my mind I will pray on that. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Your Word is Full of Power
I thank you for giving me a spirit of power, and of love and of a calm and well balanced mind, and discipline and self-control. I thank you for empowering me to stay focused and concerned. I equip myself for success and I am willing and ready to help any and everyone who needs it. I didn't even remember the befriend a family for the Thanksgiving meal. I haven't had a chance to get a bulletin in weeks, but today I did. Now I don't believe in giving excuses for me not doing something or for me doing something. Sometimes you just have to be able to see life ahead and say that life is a mystery and a lot of it will not be explained to us. We try to explain everything with words. Words have been our way to explain everything that touches our hearts and our mind. Words speak to our heart, but its not the only way to communicate. As Mary Poppins says, "First of all, I would like to make one thing quite clear; I never explain anything." Words.
I pray that we are able to help the poor and disenfranchised to the point that they are not constantly portrayed as "those" people. Why do the rich feel they have to have some benefit or charity to help the poor. Why cant we have a standard of living that uplifts us all. How rich does one have to be? Why cant we pull our lowest up to a comfortable, honest living wage?
I do believe that its not too late. I believe that we have hope for ourselves. As James says, faith without works is dead. Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone.
I pray that we are able to help the poor and disenfranchised to the point that they are not constantly portrayed as "those" people. Why do the rich feel they have to have some benefit or charity to help the poor. Why cant we have a standard of living that uplifts us all. How rich does one have to be? Why cant we pull our lowest up to a comfortable, honest living wage?
I do believe that its not too late. I believe that we have hope for ourselves. As James says, faith without works is dead. Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I Am With You Always
Father God in the name of Jesus we approach your throne with worship. We recognize that grieving is a human emotional process and that we must give people space to enter into the rest that you have for them. We can support them and let them know that they are not alone. The sorrow and pain hat is felt during this grieving period lets us know that we are human and we can love. Give us discernment and sympathy to understand the burdens that are there. Allow us to respect the decisions that are made while going through their loss. Father God I make a commitment to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. I will share their joy and share their sorrow. I pray that my love will be a comfort and encouragement to refresh the heart of my loved one. Thank You Father God for sending your Holy Spirit to comfort us during our grief.
Isaiah 43:2-4
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you . When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze for I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior, I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.
Isaiah 43:2-4
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you . When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze for I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior, I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
How Are You Today?
If you don't care about the answer, don't ask the question. Perfect strangers ask how are you today and really don't want to know the answer. Your friends and family are sometimes the same. I want to know how are you today? Really, how are you today. I really care about the answer. I care what concerns you. I am sincere in my concern for you. Maybe I'm going about it the wrong way. Well now that I have said that of course I'm going about it the wrong way. I want to get it right. I want to get it right. I love you. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I Love You
Dont forget that I love you. Thirty days of love and demonstration. Make that forty days. Forty days to show love to you daily. Lets make that happen. I love you.
My Personal Greatness
Thank You so much for today. You put a lot of things in to perspective. You were on fire today. I cant wait to listen to your sermon in the car during my many hours of travel this week. I'm invograted and excited about everything you said. Not just because I'm chasing a two year old. I told him that we were going to church to see you and he said 'will he play swords with me' I said no, he's going to be busy, so he said well lets call him and ask him. I dont know, you may have a play date coming your way. :)
What a day. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone.
What a day. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Be Blessed and be a blessing to someone.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Good Night
The Night Of Worship was good. It is always nice to have the time to think about our spirituality and to spend time in the presence of God.
Spirituality without discipline is nothing but a hobby. So we should find a way to ritualize our connection to the spirit world-Geoffrey Menin
We have to remember that everyone wants to be closer to God. No one wants to really imagine that they are not close to God. W have time to ponder the spiritual question, time to think about our relationship with God and our happiness. Most of us are not up at dawn feeding chickens or chopping wood. We don't have to plow the fields and do a lot of manual labor before noon. We have the use of technology to help relieve some of the stress of today. So when we spend time in worship or spend time with God we are blessed.
Blessed that we can take the time to do just that, worship. What a luxury.
You looked very handsome tonight.
Be blessed and be a blessing.
Spirituality without discipline is nothing but a hobby. So we should find a way to ritualize our connection to the spirit world-Geoffrey Menin
We have to remember that everyone wants to be closer to God. No one wants to really imagine that they are not close to God. W have time to ponder the spiritual question, time to think about our relationship with God and our happiness. Most of us are not up at dawn feeding chickens or chopping wood. We don't have to plow the fields and do a lot of manual labor before noon. We have the use of technology to help relieve some of the stress of today. So when we spend time in worship or spend time with God we are blessed.
Blessed that we can take the time to do just that, worship. What a luxury.
You looked very handsome tonight.
Be blessed and be a blessing.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Human Face
Think about a face that is smiling and warm and welcoming. Think about the person that makes you smile. Isnt a smiling face so much more comforting than a frown. A frown sounds and feels just sad. Yes there's a lot of reasons to frown and worry but dont forget to smile and know that you are helping others who otherwise wouldnt have anyone on their side. Smile. You are doing a good thing. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.
What's the use of crying, you'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile.
Light up your face. Put sunshine in your heart. Smile.
What's the use of crying, you'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile.
Light up your face. Put sunshine in your heart. Smile.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Report Card Pickup Day
Today I ask God to bless the teachers that have to deal with irate parents. Parents who were not there for their child during the first quarter but want to be belligerent now. I pray for a peaceful day and a day of building partnerships with the parents. I pray for working parent phone numbers and parents who will become more involved. I pray for a parent volunteer in the classroom. At least one. I pray for someone to pay for their child's science board today.
Father God I pray for safety for all of our children today. I thank you for watching over them today. Your Word protects them and allows us to dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I remain stable and fixed in the shadow of the Almighty. Father God you are my refuge and my fortress. No evil shall befall me, no accident shall overtake me, no type of disaster or calamity shall come near me, my home, my school, or my faith community. Your angels have special charge over me, they accompany me wherever I go and defend me from every enemy. Father God you are my confidence. I stand firm and strong in your safety. I walk on my journey with my heart firmly fixed on you.
God I want to be used by you. I don't want to believe that nothing will ever change and that I can't get excited about anything good happening. I don't believe God brought me this far to leave me. I am still here so there must be more that I can do. Keep my mind and my attitude firmly planted and rooted on God's Word and remember, Don't Quit! Don't Give Up! It's Not Too Late! I won't Give Up! I won't Stop Trying To Get To Where God Wants Me to Be! Don't Give Up On Me and I won't Give Up On You!
Father God I pray for safety for all of our children today. I thank you for watching over them today. Your Word protects them and allows us to dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I remain stable and fixed in the shadow of the Almighty. Father God you are my refuge and my fortress. No evil shall befall me, no accident shall overtake me, no type of disaster or calamity shall come near me, my home, my school, or my faith community. Your angels have special charge over me, they accompany me wherever I go and defend me from every enemy. Father God you are my confidence. I stand firm and strong in your safety. I walk on my journey with my heart firmly fixed on you.
God I want to be used by you. I don't want to believe that nothing will ever change and that I can't get excited about anything good happening. I don't believe God brought me this far to leave me. I am still here so there must be more that I can do. Keep my mind and my attitude firmly planted and rooted on God's Word and remember, Don't Quit! Don't Give Up! It's Not Too Late! I won't Give Up! I won't Stop Trying To Get To Where God Wants Me to Be! Don't Give Up On Me and I won't Give Up On You!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Why is it that some people assume that you know exactly what is on their minds and that you know exactly why they hate you?
I asked God this question and he sent me to 1 Samuel 19. Saul's hostile feelings toward David are unwarranted. I know I am not perfect but sometimes I am suppose to know things and I just don't. Now I find out that I was suppose to ask my mother to attend my aunt's funeral, I was suppose to drive her there and then invite her to stay for the repast dinner. I asked my brother if he was taking her, he said yes. I should not have to ask her to attend my aunt, her sister in law's (ex) funeral.I did not solidify the relationship between her and my aunt. Why must I be responsible for her getting to the funeral when she barely talks to me. She doesn't say more than ten words to me during the week. Probably five words. I don't have a good relationship with my mother. We do so much better when we are far apart from each other. Far apart, for long, long, long periods of time. I don't like to complain but when she starts an argument with me about something that happened weeks ago, I just have to vent somewhere.
I asked God this question and he sent me to 1 Samuel 19. Saul's hostile feelings toward David are unwarranted. I know I am not perfect but sometimes I am suppose to know things and I just don't. Now I find out that I was suppose to ask my mother to attend my aunt's funeral, I was suppose to drive her there and then invite her to stay for the repast dinner. I asked my brother if he was taking her, he said yes. I should not have to ask her to attend my aunt, her sister in law's (ex) funeral.I did not solidify the relationship between her and my aunt. Why must I be responsible for her getting to the funeral when she barely talks to me. She doesn't say more than ten words to me during the week. Probably five words. I don't have a good relationship with my mother. We do so much better when we are far apart from each other. Far apart, for long, long, long periods of time. I don't like to complain but when she starts an argument with me about something that happened weeks ago, I just have to vent somewhere.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Individual Growth

We are individuals who mutually depend on each other. We have gifts, talents and qualities that differ greatly. Our likeness will come from our reflection of God. As individuals we reflect God in many different ways. Through our vast array of talents and gifts we are able to unite as one and show that God is in our spirit, mind and body. In everything that we think, do and feel. Yet we are individuals and we are unique.
My plans have been changed for today. I have to be on standby to pick my daughter up from the airport. She returns from visiting her dad. She takes the baby out there so he can know his grandfather but it puts a strain on me because of the status of the flight.
Today is the African conference and you will be there. Probably tanned and relaxed. I bought a ticket too. I will miss not seeing you today.
Be blessed and be a blessing. I'm sure it will be a great success today.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Blessed Unity
Psalm 133
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity
I think about the spiritual refreshing of the mind and body and the moral accountability that I have to my fellow human being. Together we sustain each other and together we live in harmony and pray for each other. We have many chances to be united with each other. Sometimes we choose the one that surrounds us with warm Christian fellowship and some times we dont. We tread lightly now, knowing that we have over come one hurdle but have many more to come. But Blessed Unity is possible. It really is. Unity for us and for all of mankind. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity
I think about the spiritual refreshing of the mind and body and the moral accountability that I have to my fellow human being. Together we sustain each other and together we live in harmony and pray for each other. We have many chances to be united with each other. Sometimes we choose the one that surrounds us with warm Christian fellowship and some times we dont. We tread lightly now, knowing that we have over come one hurdle but have many more to come. But Blessed Unity is possible. It really is. Unity for us and for all of mankind. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Finish Line
Well the race is over. The votes will be counted and we will know in the morning. Its been tough. The highs have been good and the lows have been very very low. We are walking in history right now, win or lose, this is monumental. Huge voter turnout in the 80 percent and more. People willing to wait in long lines to have their vote count. Rock That Vote!
I pray that God will allow the best man to win. The man who will take care and concern with the poor and working class. Give us a break. It seems as if the last two elections have been stolen in one form or another so this one just cant go the same route. If it does then there will be huge problems in this country. Are we so bent on destroying ourselves that we cant take a chance on something new and different. What if God is speaking to us and we arent listening? I thank God for the fact that through Jesus Christ we can cll on Him and he will answer. He is our Personal Plan. Our Savior. Our King, Our Counselor. I pray that I answer the call when God speaks to me.
I pray that God will allow the best man to win. The man who will take care and concern with the poor and working class. Give us a break. It seems as if the last two elections have been stolen in one form or another so this one just cant go the same route. If it does then there will be huge problems in this country. Are we so bent on destroying ourselves that we cant take a chance on something new and different. What if God is speaking to us and we arent listening? I thank God for the fact that through Jesus Christ we can cll on Him and he will answer. He is our Personal Plan. Our Savior. Our King, Our Counselor. I pray that I answer the call when God speaks to me.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Unity Sunday
Thank you Lord for such a wonderful day. Church was very musical. The music was really good. The praise and worship was a tribute to you God. Thank You for doing everything possible to allow us to worship you. There was a pretty good size crowd at church today. I pray that the offerings are up this week. The best part of my day was the end. It was so nice to hear your voice and to know that you were listening. I always believe that you listen when you are away, if you have the chance. Sometimes the ocean will call and you just have to answer. pray that you have rested and renewed your mind and body. I'm very happy that you had a chance to get away because you have been working very hard. I am blessed to know you. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special. Thank you for my blessing today.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Love Dare
Today God tricked me. It was really quite clever. I had to take my daughter to the airport for her seasonal trip to Idaho. After waiting and finding that she did manage to get on the plane, I headed back home. I decided to go see a movie. Spontaneously I made this decision. I hadn't looked at any schedules, I didn't even know what the new movies were. So when I got to the theatre, I just picked whatever was available at the time. There were two movies, Quarantine and Fireproof. Since I know a little about the other movie, Quarantine, that it was about zombies or something to do with horror, which I don't like, I opted for the other which I had heard nothing about. I read the synopsis and it sounded OK, nice way to spend a couple of hours. Nothing to deep, maybe even lighthearted. It turned out to be a christian movie and it was about marriage. I thought it was going to be predictable and boring, but it wasn't. The Love Dare Journal was what peeked my interest. The movie touched my heart. Incredibly enough I left wanting to know more about the Love Dare Journal. How to save a marriage. How to understand the nature of true unconditional love. The covenant of marriage and how it is a bond not to be broken. God was teaching me today and I was a reluctant learner but I came out of that a much wiser person. Thank You Lord for still loving me enough to want to teach me something. I knew that the initial things I saw in this movie was that it was a evangelical traditional right wing christian movie. There were elements of that in the movie, I can definately see where the target audience, young, white, middle class, would find it inspirational as well. I found that it reached everyone. We all enjoyed it. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I have to read tomorrow and I have to practice.
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