Monday, September 29, 2008


Lord I walk with the courage and knowledge that I can and will demand a better world for us. We do not have to take for granted that our children will die by their own hands. We know that if we don't help there will be no one to help. We cannot ignore what's going on in our world today. We also have to be confident that we can succeed.

We don't have to accept that our financial future is in the toilet. There are no guarantees about any industry. Retirement accounts are decreasing. The money that we have put into these accounts is dwindling. Our homes are jeopardized. I think, OK, I'm with Chase so its going to be OK. But who knows. You don't want to spend your days worrying about what's going to happen, but you don't want to have your head in the sand and find out that there was something you could have done. So we listen to the "experts". We try to discern what the advisors are saying and apply it to our life situation. My neighbors are selling their home. They have been here since we moved here ten years ago. Were they part of this mortgage meltdown? I don't know. Whatever is going on we have to keep our confidence about this situation. We cannot worry and worry and worry.  We have to be confident that we can overcome this crisis.

I have my dad who fell on Saturday while we were getting ready for the service. What was that all about. Now I have to check that out with doctor appointments and stuff. The chimney is leaking at his building. The tenet wants to move. That might be a good thing. I wonder should I sell or is this a bad time to do that. Is it my decision to sell? Would he want to go to a retirement settlement or stay with me? Can I continue to be a responsible caregiver Is it wearing me down? Will he continue to get worse? Is it bad to put them in a nursing home?

With all of this going on I still have to ask my self, have I lost sight of the positive things in my life? Have I looked at the stresses in my life and not the good things? Am I blinded by the stress and circumstances? I saw a report last week about Chicago beingthe number one city for stress. Lord I know that I have the courage and knowledge to demand more. I want your promises. I want your blessings. I love the fact that God can and will make a way. We just have to accept the way that the Lord makes for us and know that the world doesn't decide for us what is best. God knows what's best for us. God loves us.

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