Monday, July 14, 2008


What a relief it must be for you to free yourself of that dreadful future. Who wants a horrible life of nagging about you not being at home or not having enough money. You are so blessed to be able to sell that story to your doting women. I pray that the meals don't stop because of that. You have the best of being married. You have your meals cooked for you, your clothes taken care of (if you want, I would imagine) I think its great. You don't have to deal with pouty attitudes. You have the freedom to do what ever you want, when ever you want. What a life, and who wouldn't want it. You tried very hard to reassure everyone that you were OK. You did a good job. I am thoroughly convinced that you are content and you desire to be left alone. Totally and completely. You desire no female companionship. God hasn't guided you along that course and you have no inclination to go down the marriage road. Interesting that your new found sense of freedom comes now. You have many years ahead of you and many more goals to achieve. I find it interesting that you are content. Satisfied. At Peace. I guess you won't be references to me and my journal anymore because you are not thinking about me. I prayed to God to allow me to have that same detachment. I hope it comes soon.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. 

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