Saturday, December 8, 2007

Reading Tomorrow

I have to read tomorrow and I havent even read the reading. Don't tell. Are you at the dance event now. I hope it went well, I would have loved to see you. Any chance to see you is always a treat. I love you.

I'll read it now.  I'm watching its a wonderful life right now. A man is discouraged.

I know all will turn out ok but just watching it reminds me that God's greatest gift is life.

My next favorite movie at this time is A Christmas Carol. Of course White Christmas is a favorite. Holiday Inn is great. What is the problem?

I have to see these movies at least once during the season. They don't run like they use to. I tell my children at school that there was a time when we had to wait for the movie or show to rerun on TV. There was no DVD or videos to rent. They think that's archaic.

Well let me read my reading, so I can be prepared. I need to ask you something and I pray that I ask it. I love you. How many others are telling you the same thing.      

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