Monday, December 31, 2007


Hello Darling

God Bless you today. I hype its an easy day for you. You have a long night ahead of you.

The end of 2007. Lots have happened and needs to be reflected on. God has brought you through another year. Thank God for that miracle. You have been through a lot this year. Sometimes I think God has a lot of bad things happen to us in small groups. He knows we have conditioned ourselves to the little failures so that we can gradually handle yet another mishap. When we look back on the whole year we are amazed that we made it through all that and we are still here. Strengthen and conditioned for another year. Strengthen yourself for another year.  Be cheerful and know that God is working it our for you and me. Be encouraged.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Standing firm in United Spirit and Purpose

When one commits themselves to a task, no matter the size, one must stand firm in the belief that the task is worthy and the purpose is just. Sometimes we are required to travel down the road believing one thing and thinking that it will never change, but then we come upon the two paths in the woods and must decide. Do we take the one less traveled. Robert Frost said it quite eloquently. To give you a hanky was done before journal and before other foolishness crept in.  There was sincerity in that. There was some flirting going on. I serve God. I keep you in my prayers daily. I want the best for you. Never to harm you or to hurt you. Be Blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Accepting Of Others

The truth is I avoid certain types of people. The truth is that I do act differently around certain people.

I asked God to show me what is the problem, what is the obstacle for me and God sent me to Galatians 2:11-21. Paul recognizing that Peter acted differently towards the Gentiles when the Jews were around. What nonessential things/customs have I been following as a Christian that I now force on others as a concern? What antiquated Catholic values have I thought were essential but were just customs that I have continued to follow? I know that you being a priest is huge on the list of burn in hell things for me. How do I drop that custom? How do I regard you as a man on the one hand but then as a untouchable religious icon on the other? What's up with that? Does this make sense to you?

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Champagne Sunday Brunch, Award Winning, Best of Main Line

Ok so today was an early day for me. I went to see the National Treasure movie. I like stuff like that. Tomorrow I will see the Will Smith movie. I like movies. Saturday I need to pack up stuff at my dad's apartment. We have decided to rent it out. That was a big decision. The person is moving in in February.

You are my Will Smith, Kevin Costner, Brad Pitt, Denzel Washington, el numero uno. Those are some of my most favorite actors. HOT.

I just have had a very normal day, out early, went to a movie, tried to find a good pair of boots and then went home. Babysitting my usual Thursday with the baby.  think he was ready to just run up to you  on the altar on Sunday.

What are you doing today? What did yo do? I guess I will have to ask you to dinner another time. I want to ask you to dinner at my parents house. I will give you a three week spread to pick a time but that is what I want to ask you and I will not stop. I wanted to ask you in person but I have not had a chance to. I know I know I live far and its a lot to think about to travel here, but thats what I want to ask you. Now I have said it here and I didnt want to say it here first but the problem is I dont get to say stuff to you in person like I want to say. 

I think I will go to the prisons for the MLK visit. I might as well see parents of children who are in the CPS system.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ihave to think that something good is about to happen because too much stuff is going wrong

Well I finally realized I could sign on at a different location. My wireless is down but the main connection is still up in the family room so that's what I did and found out I am now connected to the super highway again.

What a day yesterday. After being asked if I had a hero or a zero at home, and of course being told he could be my hero I spent most of my time trying to avoid him, especially after he tried to tell me some joke about a monkey and a tail which I heard very little of it but knew enough to recognize it was suppose to be a dirty joke. The people were just crazy. They were desperate. One thing I notice is that each year more and more people come to the dinner. We continue to have lots of food and the people do enjoy it.. There were quite a few volunteers this year. Again it was exhausting and exhilarating.

When I got home we ate a little and then played Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit. It was fun but I was tired and done by 8pm.  Then I spent another hour trying to figure out why I still didn't have internet. Finally gave up and went to bed.

Today I was up early, out early and it just kept going.  My darling daughter got towed this morning but could get the car without a notarized and faxed letter which we had to send this morning at 7am. Then had to meet the electrician at the building so he could fix the stove in one apt and fridge in another, The day has been harried and crazy. Up at 3am, out, back again, out again, back again.

You are the light. I am the light . We are the light. This is wonderful.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Do Not Grieve Darling


Today's sermon was very informative. I love the fact that we had five things to learn today instead of the usual three. I only remember two things though. Be ready for the unexpected. God will come into your best laid plans and upset everything. Be ready to still follow God's will, no matter what. Then there was the fact that I have to be ready.
The fact that I am in line and God is ready but I am still looking around on the shelves for something else. Now I may be wrong but I know that I am not looking for another person to be my mate. i know that you are the only one that I am looking for. You are the only one that I am wanting to be in my life. Now if that is not what you are getting then we are not on the same page. If God has told yo to stay where you are and to not be married then I have to say I don't believe that. I have not been told that and I <SPAN id=sp-4 title=" know, known, knows, knew, keno, knowing, Kino" style="BACKGROUND: url(undefinedimages/bg_spellingErr.gif) yellow repeat-x left bottom; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #000" _backupTitle="null"> God loves me and wants the best for me. God would not lead me to you in a special way and then tell you that he wanted you and me to be alone. No way. I know that there is no one for me but you and I will not settle for anyone else. I am ready for a life of single hood if this doesn't work, but it will work.  See I don't need or want a huge wedding with lots of people. I will not go to the end of the line for anything. If I am at the front of the line then I am the one asking for a price check holding up the line until I get what I want. God will not leave me in line. I refuse to give up. Its only gotten harder, not impossible.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone special. I love you.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Im resting today so that I can be ready for the next three days. I think I will get out this afternoon though. theres so much to do and I really want to be able to do it all.

Be blessed today. I have been thinking fo a present for you and I dont plan on buying it.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Hello Darling

Hello Darling

I have been in a good mood today.

Nothing bothered me today.

Im babysitting now so I have absolutely no life.

I may go out shopping later tonight. Kohl's is open until midnight.

I'm tired but happy. Much love to ya.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I'm Back

Well I'm back. But then you already know that.

When I fell last week I never went to the doctor and now my leg has turned colors. I guess I'll go to the doc tomorrow. I might have injured something I didnt know about.

Today was our holiday party. Only half of the staff attended. There is so much tension in our school you could cut it with a knife. What am I doing?

Well I know that I love you and I am tired. One more day and I am on vacation for two weeks. Good Night. I miss you. I want to talk to you.


Monday, December 17, 2007

Thank You Darling

What a wonderful thing. Now I know what she means when she says she's shopping for Christmas presents. You have wonderful contacts to be able to provide such a nice Christmas for children who otherwise wouldn't have the huge amount of things for the holiday. Thank You Father Christmas. Oh and I still got a very nice young man. to carry that big ole bag to my car;)

Today was our science fair and I was so glad to have it over. I was told that this was the best fair they have had in five years. Praise God. I thanked God for everything. I put in so much time before school and after school that I wanted to think it would be good but then again, I just didn't know what to expect. I'm just give all the glory to God. Of course now I was told I will have my formal evaluation on Wednesday. First good news then bad news. I thought this week was going to be easier after the science fair, but then when is it ever easier. All I know is that Friday is four days away. Count down.

Well good night and be blessed darling.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Father God your word says that your gifts are irrevocable, that you never withdraw them once they are given and that you do not change your mind about those to whom you give your grace or to whom you send your call. I have to believe that you have not changed your mind about me Lord.  You gave me a message, a purpose. Something you felt I could do. Something that was not beyond me. Is this real Lord? Is this the one? Am I at that crossroad?  Lord I'm tired. I don't know if I'm fighting for or against sometimes. Lord I have been disobedient and rebellious toward you. I repent towards you and I pray for your mercy and forgiveness, Lord you continue to deliver me from every evil and continue to protect me. I was challenged this week. I look forward to a new week. I was tired, achy, sniffily, plus a coughing runny nosed baby and my reserve was on empty. I just couldn't make it today. I will accompany her tomorrow to pick up presents. Maybe I'm see you then. Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone. Good Night Darling.


Romans 11:29

God does not change his mind when he chooses men and gives them his gifts

for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable

God's gifts and God's call are under full warranty—never canceled, never rescinded.



Saturday, December 15, 2007

Let it Snow

Apparently we are destined to have winter. What the heck is all this snow and cold about/ Its too early for this stuff. Driving in it is a pain. It did look pretty after I came home from training and shopping. I'm so tired. This day can't end fast enough.

Good Night

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hello Darling

Im babysitting a sick baby right now.

Its complicated but I wanted to say hello.

I will talk to you later.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Good Night

Father God I am so glad that I can take some time right now to just say thank you.

I have been getting up early for the past two days, so that I can get to work early. With the traffic its still not as early as I like but none the less I have been there early.

We are so busy Lord. Trying to get ready for our break. Testing, progress report, winter packet, bulletin board. I have duty next week so I will no longer have my morning. Home is busy and not busy. Ever since I decided that I wasn't going to put up the decorations and tree, its been quiet. This weekend is training. All day at that.

I am so looking forward to next Friday. I may not get dressed for a week.  After the Christmas Feast and stuff of course. I'm tired now so I am off to bed. Good Night. Never go to bed angry. No matter what we do during the day we will not go to bed angry.  I love you.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My Prayer

My Prayer for Compatibility is that my spouse and I endure long and that we are patient and kind; that we are never envious and never boil over with jealousy. We are not boastful or vainglorious, we do not display ourselves haughtily. We are not conceited or arrogant and inflated with pride. We are not rude and unmannerly, we do not act unbecomingly. we do not insist on our own rights or our own way, for we are not self-seeking or touchy or fretful or resentful. We take no account of the evil don't to us and pay no attention to a suffered wrong. We do not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness but we rejoice when right and truth prevail. We bear up together any thing that comes. We are ready to believe the best of each other. Our hopes are fadeless under all circumstances. We endure without weakening.

Ephesians 4:15 (New Life Version)
15 but we are to hold to the truth with love in our hearts. We are to grow up and be more like Christ. He is the leader of the church.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Hello Darling

Today was a challenging day for me. Right when I stepped outside I fell down the stairs. Thought I had broke something. I cried like a big baby. I finally pulled it together and with some help from the family I went on about my business. I came home and bandaged it up, took some pain meds and now I am in bed.

Be blessed and be a blessing. Good Night.

Monday, December 10, 2007

GOOD Morning

Good Morning

Blessings to you

You know my heart and you search it to find solace

My mind praises God and longs for you

When I think of the things of God that I am to concern myself with, you pop into my mind. I am concerned about those in nursing homes today. My prayer is for those who are widowed and alone. Those who have no one who remembers them. Their time on earth is short and most want it to come now. They lie in fetal positions not talking or moving. Father God remind them of their usefulness, bring comfort to the sick.

Today I have training for 6 grade science, so I wont be at school. This Saturday its at Loyola for 7th and 8th grade. Today its just at Medill. then there is a meeting afterwards at my school. I wont be at this one. Wednesday is New teachers meeting, science fair credentialing meeting. Tuesday is reconciliation. Thursday is free so far. Friday too. We do have learning first test this week. The science fair is this week. Can anything else be this week? I have not done any shopping nor have I put up any decorations. No one else will even pull out the boxes. I don't think I am going to decorate this year. Its too much for me. That's why people do it early, at Thanksgiving. Its too much to do it now.

Lord whatever you call me to do you equip me with whatever I need to do it.Just do it.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Show Us Your Glory Lord

I cant go without you. I can not do it with out you. Show me your glory.

What a very spiritual day today. Today was a day of being grateful and showing God that we love Him.

Grateful for his blessings now and to come.

I am blessed to have you in my life, in whatever capacity it is. God knows I am never going to be able to ask you what I what to ask you face to face. I don't suppose there will ever be the right moment. I just have to do it the next time I see you.

Good Night Darling. don't feel bad that your bigwigs didn't meet or succeed our donations. This is not the end. We will continue to raise money until we meet our goal. Its our campaign and it will go on until we are successful. Be blessed tonight.

Show Us Your Glory Lord

I cant go without you. I can not do it with out you. Show me your glory.

What a very spiritual day today. Today was a day of being grateful and showing God that we love Him.

Grateful for his blessings now and to come.

I am blessed to have you in my life, in whatever capacity it is. God knows I am never going to be able to ask you what I what to ask you face to face. I don't suppose there will ever be the right moment. I just have to do it the next time I see you.

Good Night Darling. don't feel bad that your bigwigs didn't meet or succeed our donations. This is not the end. We will continue to raise money until we meet our goal. Its our campaign and it will go on until we are successful. Be blessed tonight.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Reading Tomorrow

I have to read tomorrow and I havent even read the reading. Don't tell. Are you at the dance event now. I hope it went well, I would have loved to see you. Any chance to see you is always a treat. I love you.

I'll read it now.  I'm watching its a wonderful life right now. A man is discouraged.

I know all will turn out ok but just watching it reminds me that God's greatest gift is life.

My next favorite movie at this time is A Christmas Carol. Of course White Christmas is a favorite. Holiday Inn is great. What is the problem?

I have to see these movies at least once during the season. They don't run like they use to. I tell my children at school that there was a time when we had to wait for the movie or show to rerun on TV. There was no DVD or videos to rent. They think that's archaic.

Well let me read my reading, so I can be prepared. I need to ask you something and I pray that I ask it. I love you. How many others are telling you the same thing.      


I think you need to write a children's book.

I know many people have come to you about a book of your life and your accomplishments. I think it should come out in a children's book.


I took my grandson to the children's museum today. Then we went to the video store and got some movies. I'm watching Die Hard 4 now. I will watch It's a Wonderful Life after this.

Take care and be blessed.

Peace in the Family

Thank You God for today.

Thank You for waking me up this morning.

Thank you for the fact that I can use my brain and limbs and everything seems to work just the way you planned it.

Thank you for pouring your Spirit over me and my family. I sometimes get overwhelmed with the responsibility of taking care of family but you allow me to rest and wake up rejuvenated and renewed. I have a quiet reserve and confidence that I know will work out in the end. Father God I thank you for my peace today, my safety and my welfare today. I woke up warm and safe.

Today I will work on my grades. I have a ton of papers to do. I havent graded in ages.

The weather is looking sort of nasty for tonight. I dont think I will be making that drive in the muck of freezing rain and stuff.

What's on your agenda today? Will you go to the bakery? Do you have to get your hair cut? Is your tree up yet? I hope you are going to tell us how much money was raised early on. Don't keep us in suspense any longer.

I thought I might try putting some Christmas things up this weekend. I have my manger scene in my room.

Have a blessed day today. I am going to start putting grades in and see how long I can last.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Overcoming Rejection

Praise the Lord.

Thank You God.

I will do whatever I have to do to hold it together. I will keep it together.

I have to wonder what would life be like if things were different.

So what would I really change? What part would I change? At what point would I change it?

This is the time of year when the movie "Its a Wonderful Life" comes on. I really like that movie. Sometimes I feel life's circumstances have me burdened down. The cares and woes are too much. Too many people to be concerned about. I keep adding people to the list. Sometimes I wish I could take care of everyone. Why cant we have a certain level of comfort. Is it wrong to want that for people, for myself. Must we struggle all the time? I think that I am just making choices to keep things on an even keel. One day things will not always be so calm.

Well, good night. Enough of my rantings and wonderings. One thing for sure, keep the faith.  God loves you and me. Thank you Lord for all of the things you have kept me from having to deal with. PEACE BE WITH YOU. 

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Good Night

I thank God for giving me such a good Shepard.

Someone who can watch over us and keep us from harm.

I feel like things are getting better. I believe that I am getting better.

I believe that good things are happening. Its in the air. Good things. Good things.

Be blessed tonight and be a blessing to someone. Good Night.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Cost of Friendship

Father God, Good Morning.

Glory to God in the Highest. I pray knowing that you hear my prayers. I know that while your son Jesus was here on Earth he did not surround himself with a group of students or even a group of followers, he placed himself in the company of friends. To admit that we need friends can be humbling. Close relationships are always the crux of God's message to us.

Admitting that we need friends is a sign of maturity. Jesus Christ shows us what its like to be a friend of his. Friendship will cost. Friendship will also have comfort.

Today will be a busy day. The traffic will be just crazy. That's where I expect to have the most anxiety. Science Fair is tomorrow and I am as ready as I will every be. This year I think the students are somewhat more involved but no where near total participation.  Then I have to met with my AP at 8am this morning to go over some stuff. STUFF. Today I see the traffic as being my biggest nemesis so I will have tea, a snack, some good music and just get going to where I need to go. Be blessed today and have a spirit of expectation that all your needs are met through Christ Jesus.

John 15:18-21

If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you. No servant is greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hello Darling


How are you today? How was your day. Today is the day of the fundraiser. I pray and know that we will be successful.

God will supply all of our needs.

I know that the weather was not a factor. We will have success.

Be blessed and know that blessings are coming to you. I love you. Good Night.

Monday, December 3, 2007


You know some days are just that, uneventful. The day isn't bad nor is it good.

The traffic wasn't too bad this morning, quite nice actually. Coming home wasn't too bad either.

The day was just a normal day. The children weren't too bad. They weren't great or even good for that matter. But they weren't the worst they could be. I've seen them worse.

I am washing clothes now. I didn't go to aerobics. I did tell Kim I would join the the weight loss thing in January. I think I am counting down the days until winter break.

I started the children reading a book today for the literacy group. I picked a book that was already there and I thought it might be good. its called The Chocolate War. Its a little more than I expected. I think we can get through it and move on.

Well I am off to find out more about this book. Good Night and God Bless.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Red Faith- We've Come this Far by Faith

How to cause a miracle.

St John 6:1

This is not the season to sleep in. Show yourself strong.

We are in need of a miracle. We need to know the steps that can cause a miracle. A miracle in our individual lives. God will use a toaster to teach you something.

I believe the roof is the toaster that God has used to teach us something in this faith community. Let this roof problem become the instrument that I cam show myself strong.

How to cause a miracle. Expectation. If you are going to cause heaven to intervene in a situation, if you are going to cause the super to intervene on the natural then you have to have an expectation for a miracle. Too many folks no longer expect God to do a miracle. God can touch things and make them happen. God is a God of possibilities. Before you can have a miracle you have to have an expectation for a miracle to happen.

You've got to be open to the possibilities of the miraculous. You cant get anything from God if you do not expect anything from Him. You must see the possibilities of the God for whom all things are possible. You have to come to a place where you expect healing. You ought to expect financial healing., You ought expect to have your children, spouse and your family saved. You ought to expect peace and joy in your life. Do you expect God to do things he said he would do?  The church is bankrupt of possibilities and possibility thinking. We don't need positive thinking. POSI THINKING ALLOWS GOD TO BLOW YOUR MIND. EXPECTATION.

I'm listening to today's sermon and I am thinking of my possibilities. Surely I can look at the possibilities of God and have great expectations for my life. I cant put a price tag on life.

With God all thingd are possible. Live in expectation, open to the possibilities. All things are possible with God.

You must have faith to unlock the power of the most High God. Its not how well you can pray. Its how much faith. Possibility without faith is fantasy. Expect it to come into manisfestation. Faith causes things to be as though they were. Before its over it shall be. Faith. Ibelieve it because you said it.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Hello Darling

This is the second time I have tried to write today.

I was up at 2am, then back to sleep at 4:30am. Up again at 8:30 and I have been up ever since. Today I am getting my hair done. I want to get my nails done too but we have to see how much time I have in the day.  Its December 1st already. The weather is crappy and I am finally feeling better.

Sheets of ice are on the car windows. What a day. I should correct some papers but I just don't feel like it. I need post it poster paper for class. Have to go to Sam's club for that. There are too many things to do in such a small amount of time. Also lets not forget about washing, my clothes and dad's clothes. Clean up the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. All in one day. I don't think so. I was suppose to have training today too., but I put it off. OK enough complaining. Sometimes you just have to get it out. Be blessed and have a good day.


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