Friday, July 20, 2007


We hope and hurt the most about important relationships with people who matter the most to us. When a special relationship is hanging by a slender thread we are often at a loss to know what to say or what to do. We struggle to find the words to say and the thing to do that will make it better. We hope and we hurt. Do we share what's going on inside even f it shows we are weak and struggling? Do we want others to see our weakness?  Real relationships are about struggle. They are not perfect. Trust becomes a valuable factor in a relationship. If we spill our our soul. tell the truth, reveal ourselves then possibly we are able to love. Sometimes even when you have been the leader, people will reject you and still love you. I fell out with my artist but I still respect her talent. I tried to create community. I failed. I have to move forward. Everybody does not have to agree all the time. Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions.

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