Saturday, May 19, 2007

Good Night

Father God protect those that travel today. I confess your word over all travel plans for today and tomorrow. Your word does not go out and return to you void, it accomplishes what you say and we are pleased and ready to do what ever you will. I know that you will bless all travel plans for everyone today. Blessings for those that married today. I know they were ecstatic, it was a beautiful day for a wedding. Thank you Father, I know that in every situation you are there to protect us. Protect our travels today. Protect the travels of the newlyweds. Today was such a challenge. God is such a good God. Each day is a chance for a renewed relationship with God. A new creation we are becoming everyday. We have to do it for ourselves. As they say you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink it. Have a blessed night. Sleep well and prepare for your graduation mass. This is the same class that I did my student teaching with. Now look at them, preparing to graduate, preparing to go to high school and become young adults. I pray for all the graduates tonight. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special.

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