Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Good Night

The Bridge

I have had a busy day and I am glad its over. It started out a little crazy. I had a dream about you last night and I don't usually dream about you. I have had one or two but this was so different. We were in my house and there was a lot of people around. My family and your family. For some reason you wouldn't leave We went about our daily lives but we didn't leave the house. Then there were some Muslims that we saw through the window and you asked one of them to bring you a shirt. You had a shirt on but you asked them to bring you a shirt. What a strange request. Then we continued to talk in the living room with people coming and going. Strange. It stayed on my mind all day. I wish I could explain it better. It seem to work on unity and harmony. Everything was just flowing even though there was so much activity.

Today was so windy and cold. My week is almost gone. It goes by so fast. I have to pick up the baby's momma in the morning. He and I have spent the last two days together and I know he is ready for his mommy. I know I'm ready for her. I have been successful in one area I said I would work on and that's my laundry and dry cleaning. I have almost finished the laundry. That was quite a chore for me.

Well one more night and then I will see you tomorrow. I look forward to this weekend. I will have many opportunities to interact. May God bless you tonight and keep you safe. Place a hedge of protection around around you and your faith community. Be blessed.

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