Sunday, November 12, 2006

Good MOrning

Good MOrning Lord. This weekend has been a positive and a negative. Positive that I have had an opportunity to just sleep. Negative because I have missed a day of journal writing. I have to get ready for church today but I wanted to write something. My days are so full now. I dont know how to manage my time. I need to get more organized. I have my dad on a daily basis. My grandson has needs daily. My daughters, my mother, my brother, etc. Everybody needs something at one time or another. Then of course there is my classroom. A room full of needs. How do you meet their needs and your own needs? How is it that I keep getting sick? Where is the balance Lord. How do I balance all of this so that I am not overwhelmed and lost in the shuffle? I'm just telling the truth as I see it and I hope that you understand that there is nothing bad reflected on you. I dont have an attitude or anything, I'm just tired and overworked. I have to go now its time to leave.

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