Friday, October 6, 2006

Good Morning

Thank you Lord that I am able to raise my head this morning and praise you. You have given me the very air that I breathe this morning. Every good and perfect thing comes from you. I am willing and obedient to your will. I will serve you and do it with a glad heart and a joyous spirit. Father I know that whatever you have called me to do , you will equip me with the necessary tools that I need to do it. I know that I do not go by my strength but by  your divine energy and power.I bow down to you Lord. You know the many things on my mind and the specific ones that I have spoken to you. Father God there is purpose in our lives and I need you to remind others of this. Lord nothing is too hard for you.

Today will be a good day because I walk with you in my life. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone special.

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