Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Today was just so much fun. We got there around 8:45 We had to park a mile and a half away. It took us thirty minutes to walk to the place. We got in line at 9:15 and then we were in line until around 2:30. It was so hot. We talked to the people around us and that helped make time go faster. One of the people in our little group in line was picked to go for the interview. The test were very specific. You either knew the answer or you didnt. They didnt tell you  the correct answer or tell you what you needed to pass. Out of our group of about 300 people only 10 people passed the movie quiz and about 20 -passed the general quiz. Even though I didnt pass I enjoyed the experience. We must have walked about four miles or more today. I would do it again, it was so much fun.

I'm sorry I sound so arrogant. I am humbled more than anythnig with you. I dont feel superior or in control of anything. I'm not trying to be arrogant. I'm dont want that to be your persona of me. I am in awe. I have found my self and my strength because of your counseling. You have guided me and keep me close. You believe in me and I believe you know that good in in our future. These are all words. Words, words, words. Actions speak louder than words. Have a good night and be blessed. I love.you.

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