Saturday, May 20, 2006


My spirit felt that you were sad. I don't want you to be sad. I had a dream you were at a party and you were sitting at the piano with your head down. now I recognize it as a piaon, before it was just a place off to the side. As I sit here writing I remember that your piano went out on you I bet you had that piano for a long time. Lots of good memories. Now you have to replace it. It was well loved. You were my favorite to play on that piano. Isn't that something how I just thought about that now. I don't know what's going on but I know you have been very busy. You have a lot of concerns to take care of. Remember that love fills you  existence. You are loved by many, especially me. Love comes from God and God wants us to love one another. All things work together for God's love. I know you know that but also know that I love you. Believe that to be true also.

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