Friday, August 26, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

I wake up relying on God to guide my steps and renew my faith.

Everyday is a blessing and I treasure the fact that I have another day to please God.

Another day to get it right and try to start over again from the the beginning as if nothing was ever done before.

I pray for strength in my heart to believe in all of God's miracles and to be able to walk in faith knowing that he has nothing but good plans for me.

Today is a good day. I'm happy to think about the possibility of spending some time together. I keep a spirit of expectation. I know that good things are in store for us.

I am a conqueror in this struggle. I believe this has been a good week and I'm believing God for goodness and happiness. All good things work together...

I pray that you have a good day. I hope you are doing well and that you are not having a lot of discomfort. I pray that honesty and truth are with you today. Be Blessed and know that your are loved.

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