Friday, July 1, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

This is the day that the Lord has made. Its wonderful, its beautiful, its marvelous. Let us rejoice and really be glad in it. Its a glorious day.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 2:5

Good Morning again. I pray that I speak words that comfort, encourage, strengthen, and honor you today. I pray that your strengths are developed and that  weaknesses are demonstrated with a knowledge of self-control and understanding.

I hope you are feeling well this morning. I hope you have a good day and are encouraged by the wisdom of our Father, our Comforter, Counselor and Healer.

Think about good things today and rest in God's Love.

I plan to spend some time with my daughter, she came in last night. I will give the grill a good cleaning and then watch some of Wimbledon and just do nothing, the holiday weekend is here, not much business to conduct. Be Blessed today. Take Care.

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