Friday, April 29, 2016


2 Timothy 2:14
Warn them before God against quarreling about words, it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen.

Today is a blessing. No yelling at the children. I hope. My character is constantly being tested . I find if I control my voice, the class will fall in line. Take the time to focus on what is really important. Be trustworthy. That will be the theme for today. Trustworthiness. Be committed to that. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Love is Patient

1 Corinthians 13:6-7
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always preservers. Love never fails...

That keeps me going. Have a very blessed day and know that you are loved.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Feeling Real

2 Corinthians 4:18
Therefore do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

My Dear I don't want to become inconsistent. I humble myself so that areas where I feel less confident, God can come in and work that out. I have loved for so long and I want to continue loving when it gets to be so real and shabby. I make no assumptions and will continue to be extremely overjoyed when you show a hint of a glimmer of love for me. I take nothing for granted, definitely not your continual love. You are special to me and I will continue to grow with that thought.
This body can become new and changed. Each day is a new day. 

2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Today is a blessing. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone special. I love you.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I am Free

Romans 16:20
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

I am free to do what I want. I am a child of God and since I am that, I am a heir. God's promises are true. I want what God has for me. I will not give up hope for a close and personal relationship with you, the man I chose to love. I'm not immune to the fact that there are obstacles to that becoming reality. I seem to be my biggest obstacle. God I need your help with that. Today is a new day, with new challenges and new possibilities. Thank you God for a fresh beginning. Try again, believe again, keep getting up, keep believing that it will happen. Have a blessed day. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I love you.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Exposing My Need

Why keep trying, because I can't give up. Remove doubt, fear and anxiety. What's the solution? I'm the problem, let's fix it. You have the answer for me. I humble myself to you. I don't know what else to do. I am humbled. I ask God to help me put aside my pride and expose my needs to him. I admit that I need help and I ask for it. I thank God for the privilege to be able to ask him for help. During  My frustration and need, I turn it over to God. Taking time to grow closer to God by spending a few minutes in intimate prayer, I release my control, because I have none, and give it over to God. Let your will be done. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. I reach for a promise.

Galatians 3:29
If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

Be blessed and be a blessing to someone today. Walk in joy, don't be gloomy. If there is a will, then there is a way. God bless us today. Unite us in every way possible.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hope in the Future

Faith, hope and love are with me currently. I have to keep my faith and believe that God is in control. Communication is so important. We have to understand each other and choose to love one another. I thank God for this break. It's obvious that the devil is busy with the details. Every little thing that is available for him to attack, he is attacking. My home, my children, my job, my classroom, any and everything that can be disturbed, he disturbs. I know that I have to keep my faith strong, have hope and believe in the love of God. I have given support to my loved ones even when I don't see it for myself. I have to believe that I too am able to benefit from God's love. What I have to let go of, let me let go and keep on moving. God loves me and wants me to have joy and love in my life. I believe in you and pray for you daily. My heart is with you. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Have a Blessed Day

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. God bless you today. I pray that you have a wonderful day and receive wisdom and grace from God.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Humble Myself

I humble myself. I put myself out there to be judged by you. I believe you care and I believe you love me. I trust you and I trust myself to make this a reality. I humble myself. I will do whatever I have to do. My Heart belongs to you. I put myself out there to be judged and to be loved. Thank you God for sending your son for us. I love you very much. Be blessed today and be a blessing. I pray for you daily. I woke up with you on my mind. Be safe today and take very good care of yourself.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Hope for the hopeless. God, thank you for giving us hope. Hope remains when we think that there is nothing left to hope for. If we just have a little faith, the we begin to hope again. We begin to light a fire that has all but faded away. When things don't change, but we want them to, then we have hope. Faith, hope and love. But the greatest is love. Love is very powerful. I pray that today is a very blessed day. Filled with hope and promise. Faith in the right thing, the God thing coming into focus. Hope keeps us going after something that seems unattainable but we continue to press on, moving forward. I hope you have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone very special. I love you very much.

Friday, April 8, 2016

My Alabaster Jar

Matthew 26:7
A waman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.

Dear God, you accept our sacrifice, our tribute to you with loving kindness. We continue to keep pressing forward towards you. Whatever we can do to get closer to you. To honor you. To get your attention. Don't forget me Jesus. Don't let me not honor you when I have the chance to do just that. You are worthy to be praised. I will spend my time praying for a better relationship with you Lord. If I seek you first, the all of the other things will fall into place. I believe in you and know that good things are possible. God you are not done with me yet. I give what I have to give, my time, treasures and talents. This is a week of giving. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone. I take that to heart. I love you.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Daily Routine

James 1:2 
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 

Dear Lord I must be in blissful joy because I face many trials of many kinds. Lord I just have to thank you and keep getting up. Thank you for your blessings. I struggle to finish this week healthy. We are testing and it's just a mess. Today is the last day this week for students. Parents next week can come in and complain during report card pick up. Next week, more testing. What I really don't like are disrespectful students who are reinforced by their parents. Well, now off to work. It's going to get better. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone. I love you and pray for you daily.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Search Me and Reveal God's Purpose

I pray that God will send his spirit to search me and help me to know what opposes me. Remove all obstacles and enemies so that I may be empowered to change and move on. Move forward into God's will. I search for identifying my fears and frustrations. I pray that God will keep me strong and keep me safe. Give me strength in my trials. I pray that my prayers are heard and acceptable to God. My desire is to please God. May your blessings be abundant today. Believing there is more for me today to accomplish, God gave me another chance. I'm here, ready to try again. I love you for loving me. I am lovable, even with all of my flaws. Thank you Lord. I love you.

Micah 5:4-5
He will stand and Shepard his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. And he will be their peace.

Monday, April 4, 2016

God's Purpose

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.

Thank the Lord for his mercy. I pray that today is a day that I can do my best. I look forward to moving through another day. I give my love, my trust and my honor to God. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone.


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