Wide awake and my mind is alert. Watching Katie reruns . George Zimmerman's wife was on. Very interesting comments. Angelica Huston is also interesting.
I have had a good day, somewhat. I was reminded to call parents again and that helps so much.i wonder if this is what God really wants me to do. If not, what does he want me to do?
I want to do the things that God wants me to do. I'm a good person. I have been my own worse enemy. I put myself under undue pressure and demands. I am a good person. I haven't been to jail or prison, not that I would equate that with my worth, I am what I am. I have forgiven myself for my earlier decisions of abortion. I value life. I value children. I understand I was young and unsure of many things. I forgive myself. I think that will help me to see value in a new relationship with a wonderful, thoughtful man. Someone who sees the world so differently that he wants to make a change for all of us. He wants to bring us closer to God in such a way that we believe it is of value and important to have the miracle of this special relationship. His intentions are pure and he is sincere and genuine. People attack him because he will expose greed,hatred and racist thoughts, ideas and people. He's a fighter for the people. Like a super hero for justice. He is so humble. He has a good heart. He is loved by so many. I think I thought I couldn't possibly compete, but it's not a competition. I am who I am and I love him for who he is. Good or bad. He has his good days and bad days. He's human. I can love him for being human. Thank you God. You let me express my love and now I can go to bed. Be at peace. I can help you, you can help me. We need each other.