In the stillness of the early morning hour, I seek you. My attention is constantly in demand. The noise of the world around me never stops. When I am listening to those noises, i can't hear you Lord. With you there is peace. With you there is rest. Why do I give more of myself to the distractions and less to you? Direct my heart Lord, respond to the whispers instead of the shouts of the world.
Zechariah 3:6-8
...If you will walk in My ways, and if you will keep my command, then you shall also judge my house, and likewise have charge of my courts; I will give you places to walk among these who stand here.
My heartfelt desire is to be true and sincere. To love God and to love my fellow man. To show my angst and happiness through words and deeds.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Abide in Him
Mark 8:34-38
The Way of the Cross
34 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 35 For whoever wants to save their life[a] will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. 36 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?Father God, thank you for today. I am blessed to have another chance to get it right. I am always trying not to be a burden to others. I don't want to have to ask for help, I'm not very good at asking others to help. As I look at my calendar for February I see Jesus receiving help with his cross. We grow up thinking that we are weak if we need others. We should be strong and independent, don't lean too heavily on someone else. Don't be the one who does the leaning. People have a tendency to lean on me more than I have the opportunity to lean on someone else. I know that we see those who need someone as weak, but I find it hard to lean on someone for help. I will learn to lean on someone, to trust and abide in the Lord. To trust and know that God is with me always. Trust in the Lord to know what is best for me. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone special. Trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding. I love you.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Golden Rule
Romans 9:14-15
14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,
Treat people the way you want to be treated. Simple. Direct. Easy to learn from K-12. Constantly reinforced throughout the years, we still have to come back to it as adults. God choses who he will bless and have mercy and compassion on. We don't understand God's ways but we try to follow his will. What would he want us to do? God can show wrath or compassion, we are the clay, he is the potter. Do we ask why we were made and what is our purpose? All the time. Do we get an answer, never. Be blessed today as you walk in truth and justice. Know that you are loved and missed. I love you.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Keep Watch

Mark 13:31-32
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
The Day and Hour Unknown
32 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.Father God, thank You for today. You have awaken me and given me an opportunity to worship you today. I will keep steadfast in my desire to do your will Lord. I seek your peace Lord. There is an unsettling in my spirit. I seek calm, yet I am anxious. I am waiting for the day and time when change will come. I have many uphill battles to draw my attention in the world, yet if I focus on you Lord, my battles seem few. I don't want to ignore what needs to be done. I don't want to just hope and pray and do nothing. What I can do, I want to do. My relationship will improve. I have positive words for our goodness and love. I will speak love and togetherness over that situation. I will speak peace and abundance over my job. I will find a new job, I am being attentive to the bread crumbs that the Lord is placing before me to lead me to a job better than the one before. I am losing weight, improving my health and paying attention to my appearance. I know the world has an opinion of me, but I will not focus on the negative. Something good is going to happen to me today. I am chosen by God to do his will. I will love the Lord with all of my heart and soul. Lord as I learn the word, I learn how to stand on the promises of God. I will encourage myself and increase my faith. I can make a difference, I will stay positive. I will speak positive over my life and the lives of others. Without hope, we are finished. Create an atmosphere of expectation. Good expectation. Speak promises over my life. Confirm the good and nuturing things around me. Lord, even if it doesn't look any different, I know you are working in my favor. I will bless the Lord at all times. I give glory and honor to my Lord, and Savior. I pray that you are working out a future that is encouraging and faith filled. Together, there is hope and possibilities. God is with us and I will be encouraged. Take care of yourself and know that you are loved very much. Have a blessed Day.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Lord, I Believe
John 9:30-33
30 The man answered, “Now that is remarkable! You don’t know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes. 31 We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will. 32 Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. 33 If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”
Father God, I am a sinner. I am not perfect nor do I ever proclaim to be perfect. Yet I know you have worked a miracle in my life. You have given me a second chance. I believe in you. I am strengthen in my faith and love by you. We are a couple.
I do not place judgment on others morals or faith. I try not to judge but I am also human with frailities like everyone else. I pray that you will strengthen my faith Lord.
Lord, I believe that you sent your son Jesus as the light of our world. We have a problem believing things which we don't understand or cannot explain with our natural eyes. Strengthen our faith to believe even when we don't understand.
I believe in you. I believe that you have not given up on us and you are hopeful. We have had many different types of blindness that affect our view of the world, yet we are able to ask God to open our eyes, fix our vision, so that we can see what he has for us.
We don't have to know how God did it, where it came from, all the logical answers, we have to believe in the Lord and know that all things are possible. Lord, I Believe.
Be safe today, take good care of yourself, I need you healthy. Be blessed and know that God loves you very much and so do I.
Monday, February 18, 2013
I am With You
I have given myself to you you through my love for your peace. I pray that you are taking care of your self very well. Get the rest that you need. Take care of yourself for me.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
What to Do.....
I am ready to open my heart up and give it to the man I love...that's you...I said it...I mean it...I believe in marriage...I just want to get that out there...I'm not interested in anyone one at work, school or church turns my head and touches my heart like you do...there...done...believe it to be true...there is no one else for me but you...good night.
The Center of My Joy
Jesus you are the center of my joy
I pray for my promises from God...I thank God for his blessings...God saved my brother yet again...Thank You Lord...Your Glory is sufficient...You are my heart's desire and I wait on you...being distracted by the things of the world can take my focus off of what is important...nothing last forever...God didn't take me this far to leave me...I woke up today, so there is more for me to do...I love the Lord...and I love you.
I pray for my promises from God...I thank God for his blessings...God saved my brother yet again...Thank You Lord...Your Glory is sufficient...You are my heart's desire and I wait on you...being distracted by the things of the world can take my focus off of what is important...nothing last forever...God didn't take me this far to leave me...I woke up today, so there is more for me to do...I love the Lord...and I love you.

Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentine's Day
Good Morning Lord. Thank you for today. I am your treasure. I can think, what me, God's am God's treasure. He's here for me. If Christ were to visit me today, what would I expect to hear him say? My vision needs to be checked for sure. I need to focus on what God has promised me. Work on God's purpose. Thank you Lord for allowing the hearts of some to be softened. Lord you are a God of Justice. I refuse to think that God has turned his back on us. All of the evil in our nation is not fine with him. I would like to think if God loved us he would come and see about us. Pay us a visit. Come into our hearts and mind and help us to see what needs to be done. Clear our vision so we can focus on the needs of the people. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your little nuggets of togetherness. I would love a hug, a warm embrace, all lasting a minute. It would make my day. God bless you today and I love you very much.
Malachi 3:6-7
6 “I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. 7 Ever since the time of your ancestors you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Intimacy With Him

Matthew 1:20-21
20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,[a] because he will save his people from their sins.”
Good Morning Lord. Thank You for today. I take each day as a sign that there is more for me to do. I wonder Lord, in building a relationship, do you get frustrated knowing that I have a hard time trusting you. Believing that you are totally worthy of my trust, yet still holding back.
I'm ashamed of myself for not having complete faith in you and your word Lord. You tell me you are totally worthy of my trust yet I continue to set up test in my mind, hoops that you have to jump through and when you clear those, I set up more. Never really placing my faith and trust in you.
Always thinking, what if he fails me this time. There's a part of me that doesn't seem to be able to get rid of the cynicism. I want to trust you completely. I don't want to be a locked door. I want to trust totally and completely.
You are worthy of my trust. I believe you will not fail me. Lord I am weary of picking up the pieces of my shattered life by myself when I have trusted in the past, but now I must have the faith to trust in the Lord, no matter what the outcome. I am in pursuit of you daily. I know you are in pursuit of me also. Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone. I love you.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
3573 Promises
Lord you are amazing!
Here I am looking over my bible study notes from last week, I know there is no bible study tonight, Ash Wednesday tomorrow, so I am reviewing to stay in the Word.
3573 Promises and my game name is juju3573. Totally an accident, or was it? I didn't even notice the numbers were the same until today. I have had that login for a long time. WoW> Coincidence or what!! God's promises are my login. I guess I should login to those promises and believe in the truth of the promise to me. That just blew my mind. I'm blessed and highly favored. Believe it girl, God loves you very much. Even when you don't know it or think that he does. Always there, over your shoulder, listening and watching every word, every action, everything I do. WOW
Every Day, Show Love
Hosea 2:1
Say of your brothers, 'My people,' and of your sisters, 'My loved one.'
Are our problems because people don't take responsibility or are they because the government is not taking responsibility for the people? I feel it it BOTH. I thank God for his loving kindness and forgiveness. Forgive me Lord for the times when I fail to meet your standards. You are with me and I thank you for being with me always. I never want to walk away from you. Draw me near. Whatever your desire, I will do it. My desire is to follow you, wherever you want me to go. My heart heart's desire is to please you only Lord. Forgive me and love me.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Faith and Trust
The Church is the sole moral advocate for the people. God calls us to worship. We must be obedient to that call. We have to love one another.
Psalm 95:7-11
Psalm 95:7-11
Today, if only you would hear his voice,
8 “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah,[a]
as you did that day at Massah[b] in the wilderness,
9 where your ancestors tested me;
they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
10 For forty years I was angry with that generation;
I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts go astray,
and they have not known my ways.’
11 So I declared on oath in my anger,
‘They shall never enter my rest.’”
8 “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah,[a]
as you did that day at Massah[b] in the wilderness,
9 where your ancestors tested me;
they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
10 For forty years I was angry with that generation;
I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts go astray,
and they have not known my ways.’
11 So I declared on oath in my anger,
‘They shall never enter my rest.’”
Today I won't be there and I miss that. I have these tickets and we are going to the ice show this morning. I miss fellowshipping in the house of the Lord and being with my man of God. I'm not ignoring you. I have just been managing my health and my family needs which are draining me. I don't need to tell you about people pulling on you for emotional support. This flu stuff seems to have come back on me again. I intend to be with you until the end. Whatever happens. So encourage your people today and know that you are loved, needed and missed very much.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Help Me Jesus
Do Not Be Discouraged
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.
Don"t be discouraged. know that I am with you and will never leave you. When so many things seem to overwhelm you and sap our strength, Jesus says, I know, I know, I know what you need right now. Trust me.
I trust you. I don't care about the past, whatever it is, will not scare me away. My past, your past, what is important is today. Give us this day Lord. I have been called and I will answer that call to the best of my ability. I love you and there's nothing you can really do about changing my mind on that. Its fate, so I have to accept it and move on to how I work towards God's purpose.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Do Not Be Afraid
Isaiah 54:13-17 NKJV
All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.14 In righteousness you shall be established;
You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear;
And from terror, for it shall not come near you.15 Indeed they shall surely assemble, but not because of Me.
Whoever assembles against you shall fall for your sake.
16 “Behold, I have created the blacksmith
Who blows the coals in the fire,
Who brings forth an instrument for his work;
And I have created the spoiler to destroy.
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.
Who blows the coals in the fire,
Who brings forth an instrument for his work;
And I have created the spoiler to destroy.
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.
Almighty God, Our Father In Heaven, hear the prayers of your people. Thank You for waking me up this morning. You didn't have to but you did.
We desperately need you. I am encouraged by your desire to fulfill your promise to us. I love you so much. You are in my life because it is suppose to happen that way. There are no accidents.
My acceptance of who I am and where I am, draws me closer to you. I am not in control of anything. You lead, and I will follow. I seek your presence in my life. We do not need to co pilot, I give you total and complete control. I yield. Not my way, but your way. I accept you willingly Lord. My free will is to chose you.
Nothing you can say or do will change my mind. I'm in it for the duration. I'm not deterred, I am basking in the glow of a very spiritual and thought provoking bible study from a very loving and devoted man of my heart. Oh and what a man he is. I love him very much. I love you very much. I am fully persuaded God is Able. I will trust in the Lord. I don't understand, but God is in control.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Protecting and Directing
Paul the Roman Citizen
22 The crowd listened to Paul until he said this. Then they raised their voices and shouted, “Rid the earth of him! He’s not fit to live!”23 As they were shouting and throwing off their cloaks and flinging dust into the air, 24 the commander ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks. He directed that he be flogged and interrogated in order to find out why the people were shouting at him like this. 25 As they stretched him out to flog him, Paul said to the centurion standing there, “Is it legal for you to flog a Roman citizen who hasn’t even been found guilty?”
26 When the centurion heard this, he went to the commander and reported it. “What are you going to do?” he asked. “This man is a Roman citizen.”
27 The commander went to Paul and asked, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?”
“Yes, I am,” he answered.
28 Then the commander said, “I had to pay a lot of money for my citizenship.”
“But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied.
29 Those who were about to interrogate him withdrew immediately. The commander himself was alarmed when he realized that he had put Paul, a Roman citizen, in chains.

God's mighty hand is all around us. Protecting us when necessary and directing us on the things that are God's will. When we are guided to do God's will, we know that under his protection we can have a boldness that surpasses everything.
We need to see a true and sincere effort to end the violence. Address the issues directly. Face the people when it is the most difficult and most challenging. Be courageous and strong. Lord we need miracle here, today, now.
Our children are dying. When my grandson told me he was over his cousin's house, his father's mother's home and they heard gun shots while they were outside playing, I was sickened because I know what the dangers are for these young children. He's six and the other boy is seven. Bullets have no name, and the shooters are not caring who they shoot.
If the violence doesn't get us then this bio terrorism will. Flu in over forty state!!!!
We know cleaning must be done on the surface of the so many things. I just cleaned my bathroom and kitchen with bleach and lysol to kill germs. We need this city's transportation system cleaned. We are continuing to reinfect each other and making no effert to stop this invasion. Isn't it obvious that germs can spread. Each and every thing we do to combat the spread is good for us. Clean up the country, literally, clean it up. Wipe down surfaces and stop the spreading. They won't need to worry about guns, everybody will be sick.
My Love I am so sure God's hand is in your life. You speak the truth and continue to move out Boldly with your message in spite of danger. Be mindful of plots and conspiracies to try and decieve you. Now's the time to listen to what is being said. Fear not, for God is with you. Walk with the knowledge that God's mighty arms are around you today. Let that knowledge keep you safe and secure as you walk your journey today. I love your journey to me. I keep you close in my heart and my mind. I love you.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
What's Really Being Asked?
Father God, I pray that I can love others as you have shown me to love. What does it matter if you love others, you still love me and your love is more than enough. I sit at your feet, yearning for more. I walk behind you, supporting your endevours.
Father God, I remember moments when we were in sync, together. I was confident, we were like one. Then we were not. My confidence faded. Keep me confident. Keep me believing in you. Whatever the situation, let me walk in faith and love.
Lord God Almighty, I know the dreaded holiday is coming again. If you show that movie again where I was so hurt when the son was killed to save the lives of other for Valentine's Day I think I will hust cry. Yes, I know God gave his Son's life for us. Sinners who don't even know and care. Unaware of the sacrifice made so that they might have life. We walk around without the knowledge of the cost paid for us each and every day. So much has been given to us and we lack the full knowledge of the cost. That movie places it into perspective.
I ask you Lord to give me what I am lacking. Enhance my faith and belief. Allow me to be better to myself so that I can be better to others. Let me love myself as much as I love you.
What does it matter, I know this child is not mine, I have to step back and let his mother raise him. We differ on what's right for him and that is not my child. Even if I think its wrong, I have to let her have control.
Problem is she gave me too much control and now we are in this cafeteria style situation. Come and do this part but not this part. Let me pick and choose what I want you to be a part of. I want to respect that.
That's another reason why I have to get out of here, not just the repairs around the house. I'm just trying to set boundaries for myself before it gets too hard. I'm praying for this job near here. I just have to do my part and apply all of my professional skills to the situation. Then just pray. When you have done all you can do, then pray.
OK Lord, I have to get ready for today. How do you know the things that you do? . I dreamed about you last night. You were in my dreams all night long. Be blessed today. Keep your faith strong. You have more than enough confidence for the both of us. Take Care of yourself today. Don't do anything to endanger your health. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.
Father God, I remember moments when we were in sync, together. I was confident, we were like one. Then we were not. My confidence faded. Keep me confident. Keep me believing in you. Whatever the situation, let me walk in faith and love.
Lord God Almighty, I know the dreaded holiday is coming again. If you show that movie again where I was so hurt when the son was killed to save the lives of other for Valentine's Day I think I will hust cry. Yes, I know God gave his Son's life for us. Sinners who don't even know and care. Unaware of the sacrifice made so that they might have life. We walk around without the knowledge of the cost paid for us each and every day. So much has been given to us and we lack the full knowledge of the cost. That movie places it into perspective.
I ask you Lord to give me what I am lacking. Enhance my faith and belief. Allow me to be better to myself so that I can be better to others. Let me love myself as much as I love you.
What does it matter, I know this child is not mine, I have to step back and let his mother raise him. We differ on what's right for him and that is not my child. Even if I think its wrong, I have to let her have control.
Problem is she gave me too much control and now we are in this cafeteria style situation. Come and do this part but not this part. Let me pick and choose what I want you to be a part of. I want to respect that.
That's another reason why I have to get out of here, not just the repairs around the house. I'm just trying to set boundaries for myself before it gets too hard. I'm praying for this job near here. I just have to do my part and apply all of my professional skills to the situation. Then just pray. When you have done all you can do, then pray.
OK Lord, I have to get ready for today. How do you know the things that you do? . I dreamed about you last night. You were in my dreams all night long. Be blessed today. Keep your faith strong. You have more than enough confidence for the both of us. Take Care of yourself today. Don't do anything to endanger your health. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Take The Risk-Love One Another
Our love must reflect our actions. When we are around each other, the tension is so thick it can be cut with a knife. Lord, when I am in these schools and neighborhoods I see and feel the tension in the air. The students are angry, even the littlest of students.
Thank you Lord for giving us new mercies daily. Help us Lord to help our selves. We must show love to our people and show them how to love. We have shown them how to hate and have done a very good job of that. We have placed many examples out there for them to follow. Now let's show them how to love, and love daily. Not how to have sex, but how to truly be a loving, responsible, dedicated, committed, individual. I am working to show my love. How can we improve when there is so much wrong? We take one thing and focus on it. Build that up to accentuate our love. Not blame others for our mistakes. Take responsibility for what we have done. I think the truth is where we start.
We can blame poverty and slavery, but when it comes down to it, we have to put the blame squarely on ourselves. All of us are responsible for the actions of our children. They learn from us. Our attitudes about certain situations and events. Our comments that we say so recklessly. Our many opportunities to build them up with confidence destroyed when we say hurtful and mean things. Our children hear the word NO so many times its ridiculous. Our foolishness in thinking we are spoiling them if we show kindness and love. Studies have been shown that our black and brown children hear the word NO over ten times more than white children. Our children are not even encouraged to explore comfortably their environment. We have to try and be uplifting positive, not negative and defeating. Let's change our demeanor and speak at the very basic of levels. The positive needs to flow from the bottom up.
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Blog Archive
- I Seek You
- Abide in Him
- The Golden Rule
- Keep Watch
- Lord, I Believe
- I am With You
- What to Do.....
- The Center of My Joy
- Happy Valentine's Day
- Intimacy With Him
- 3573 Promises
- Every Day, Show Love
- Faith and Trust
- Help Me Jesus
- Do Not Be Afraid
- Protecting and Directing
- What's Really Being Asked?
- Take The Risk-Love One Another