Thursday, January 29, 2009

Good Night

Hello and Good Night. God Bless You tonight.
What a disgrace to have our governor impeached. While I say that he probably wasn't doing anything more than the others, he was the one to get caught.
He did his media blitz to line his pockets because he knew the impeachment was inevitable. I pray that he can find solace.
How are you feeling tonight. I pray that you continue to speak the truth and do it in love. Tough Love sometimes.
Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

At Last

In the words of one of my favorite songs. At Last my love has come along. I have a new computer tower.
My laptop was doing crazy things every since I took it to work for the inauguration. That's a whole 'nother story, so don't ask. Best Buy wanted a hundred dollars to babysit it for five days and then return it to me with a hefty repair/update/fix bill attached. I will probably have to do just that one day with it but not today, not now.

So I knew I needed a computer. With the National Boards writing assignments due every week and with you thinking I am holding out, I had to do something. So I went to Circuit City. Thank God they are closing. I purchased a display model tower for just a little over three hundred with tax and a surge protector. Yes, three hundred which I do not have readily available. But I knew if I didn't at least get some kind of message of love and inspiration to you, the next sermon on Sunday would be something coming from the pits of hell and damnation. To save my soul from that type of persecution I decided it was worth the cost to get out of this doghouse. Its really bad when I cant even get a smile out of you.
So now I am computerized again. Able to leap daily blog entry with a single stroke of the keyboard. Fear not, entries are to come.
Be blessed today. Feel better and know that I love you.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Love: The Secret of Success

Hopeless people make me nauseaous. I am sick and tired of people without hope. Hopelessness means a lack of courage. A lack of faith. Hope goes hand in hand with joy, dreams and goals. Without hope we are bleak people. Hope propels us forward and makes life worthwhile. It gives us the strength to get through the bad times. We know they are not forever. When you are around hopeless people its like they suck the life out of you. I am tired of hopeless people. We all go through periods of hopelessness but we have to realize that we just need to pick our selves up and dust ourselves off and start all over again.

Monday, January 19, 2009

We Were There, Too

My daughter drove to D.C. to be a part of history with her friend. She has a friend who lives in the area so she doesn't have to worry about accommodations. Another teacher who works with me is going because her husband worked on the campaign and the alderman gave him a couple of tickets, standing tickets but none the less, tickets. She will also attend a ball on Wednesday. We are going to watch it at school and just enjoy and celebrate the day. We are a part of history. Living history. This will go down in history books world wide.
This is history in the making. God had placed him in this position. He allowed him to learn from and glean from two very influential men in Chicago. Its not a fluke that you and Rev Wright were instrumental in helping to design his spiritual outlook as well as his moral tapestry. The man is international. He is going to have a huge responsibility on his shoulders and he has to remember that he will be held accountable at a very high standard. Our constant prayers go out to him and around him. You have influenced the president. Glory be to God. No matter what the media says now or later, you know your influence.
My plans are to be there on Friday. I just have to get there on Friday either with or without baby. My goal is without but if I have to bring him I will. I don't know what's going on with us but its not making me happy. I don't feel good and my female intuition tells me something is on the horizon. Some of the trials we face are unimaginable. I know that God gives us only what we can handle but some trials remind us that we are fragile and how life is not promised to any of us. What are we waiting for? What is it that has to happen to make a difference? When is a difference really a difference? What is the problem really.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Thank You Lord for your loving kindness today. I'm sorry that pastor was dizzy today.I pray for his health. He has been challenged with different attacks this past year. I pray for healing in his life. Heal his heart, ,mind and body. Keep him safe and love him. Let him know what you want him to do. He listens to you Lord. He loves you Lord. Talk to him, let him know you and know your ways. Tell him what to do. Stay or leave. Speak to his heart. Ease his mind. Keep his body strong, keep his mind sharp and his heart pure. Love him Lord. Love him.

Friday, January 16, 2009


What is it about fishing that keeps you hooked? We constantly want to go deeper into a situation and want to know more and more. When is it enough to say OK.
Am I fishing for something right now? Am I the fish ready to be hooked? Am I chasing that lure, that line, that wiggly, squiggly worm.
Just wondering what's going on. I miss you. Its been a long time since I last saw you. Unity Sunday was the last day I saw you. Well I am excited about seeing you soon. I'm excited about that. Its the little things that make me happy.
Good Night. Welcome to Inaguaration Countdown. What a frenzy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Warm Heart

With temperatures so bitterly cold and snow is predicted yet again this week, it was so nice to feel an act of warm kindness from you. Cancelling bible study was a warm gesture to show you recognize the hardship this weather is taking on our mind and body. Thank You for your thoughtfulness. You listened, you heard, you took it to heart. that makes me smile. I'm blowing you a kiss right now. Catch it!

Monday, January 12, 2009


I am sick and tired of this winter. Snow, ice and cold.
That's why I didnt come on Sunday. Travel times have practacally doubled for me. I heard the parking lot wasnt plowed and that parking spaces were at a minimum. Side streets were not plowed and there was no place to park. If the blizzard is going on tomorrow, Iwill be headed home and I will not be on the road. Especially since there will be extreme cold coming in. The elements are really destructive.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

He First Loved Me

I'm in love with Jesus and He's in love with me.

Daily I will worship thee. He's making intercession for me.

Pray hard for the Middle East.
For God so loved the world. Evil is not acceptable.

"Standing With Confidence" 1 Corinthians 10:11

Satan will rise up to block, detour, and stop what it is that God has called you to.
Bob Marley said "understand evil people do not take a day of so neither can good people"

Doing the right thing and still things can go wrong. Bad things happen to good people. You can have a strategy and a plan the suddenly its all messed up. Life can be challenging, life can be shaky. Life can throw you a left hook you never saw coming. Life can be crazy.
Because life can be so crazy we have to be prepared.

Temptations come to us from everywhere. We have to face the temptation of giving up. Sometimes there is a temptation to stop loving people and to stop caring for people. Some of us have become numb so that we can stop caring about what's going on in the world. Where's the outrage with the killing of our children? There is a temptation to get even. To get back at someone.

For some, you stop giving your best. Stop sending every cute story you found on the Internet. There's a temptation to just be average, instead of being the best you can be. You are in the world but not of the world. Some have a temptation to impress others. Some perpetrate with others that they are something that they are not.

Temptation comes in many shapes and many forms. All of us are vernable to temptation. Pray for us not to give up the will to live. There is a reason we are still here. We all face temptation. No temptation has seized you. Temptation snatches us. If we saw it coming we would have moved. it comes when you don't expect it and takes us by surprise. "Lifejacked"

We don't know every one's circumstances. Be careful not to judge people. Some of us are incarcerated by invisible jails that have seized us. You don't pick what temptations come to you. Somebody else has been through what you are going through. Temptation is common. The enemy tries to make us think we are the only one dealing with what we are going through.

The enemy wants us to be alone and lonely. Nobody else has the marriage, work and ministry problems that I have. But in reality, somebody else has faced the problems that I am going through. There's nothing new under the sun. Somebody else is struggling with what you are struggling with. If you understand that it will stop the feeling of alienation and aloneness that is eating you up. It will take the mystery out of your temptation and attack. If you realize that, then you will realize if they dealt with this, so can I. If God can do it or you then he can do it for me.

What gives us stability in the middle of the hell going on in my life is the fact that God is Faithful.

Everything else is turning and shifting but God is faithful. When you are not faithful,
God is faithful. When everything else is falling apart, you have to know that God is faithful. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. God is faithful.

That's why I praise him. Thank you Lord for being faithful. Faithful. Faithful. Faithful.

When I was acting crazy, you were still faithful. When I wasnt faithful, God was faithful to me. Thank You Lord for your faithfulness. God is faithful. When you've acted like a fool, God is still faithful. Anybody else would have walked out on you but God is still there. What holds you together is that you have a God who is faithful.
You have to have your give up moment. You surrender to God that you know you can't do it. When I raise my hands I show I am giving up to God. I have a faithful God. Don't worry about me. Don't pity me. I have a faithful God.

He will not let you be tested with more than you can bear. He knows what you can handle and what you can't handle. Nothing happens without his permission. If God allows me to go through it then he knows I can handle it. You can handle it.

Something inside me so strong. Don't be fooled by my exterior. There's something inside me that can handle my situation. I've got something in me that can handle this situation. I've got something in me. I can deal with it. God is in control. When you understand that then you can think and know that the thing you think that is killing you, it won't. It Won't.

Give God a praise to know that the stuff in you life is not in control, God is in control. God is faithful. Temptations seize you but god is faithful, he won't let anything come to you that you can't handle. God will provide a way out for you. God has an answer for every question. God has a way out. God knows how to get out of everything.
A true leader doesnt just bring questions but also solutions. Don't get so caught up with the problem that you can't see the solution that God has for you. God knows you can stand up under everything that's coming on you. Stand up.

You cannot win a fight laying down. The church has been laying down for too long. Stand UP! Stand up if you are going to have new birth. Stand up to your problem if you are going to have manifestation. Let the enemy know you are not imtimidated. Stand UP. We don't have time for victims and losers. No pity parties. Stand UP for your victory. The enemy will try to seize me but God is faithful. Everything that I face is a common thing but God is faithful. God will not put anything on me that I can't handle. God will make a way out of no way. I will not lay down, I will not walk out, I will not quit. I will STAND, STAND, STAND. Devil come do what ever you have to do because 2009 is mine. When the wind stops blowing, I will be STANDING! Give God Some Praise Like You have Lost Your mind.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Vacation is Truly Over

God knows us inside out. As we fellowship with Him we renew our mind and we are able to understand who we are in Christ. As I am renewing my mind and listening closely to and for God's word in my life, I know that the glory of the Lord is within me. Let the glory of the Lord rise. Thank you Lord for your love. I love you.
I was so exhausted today. The children were excited to be back and I was excited to be back as well. The day went well. It was very quick and uneventful. I think they were happy to be back to some structure. 35 days to ISAT and counting.
Your sermon was good. The first unity mass of the of the year and it was a huge success. God stepped in and showed his glory. Give glory to God. It radiates from our very core. God's glory. When we were able to walk and talk with God, we were living the good life. God loves us. God loves us. Aint love grand. Good night my love. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Change is good

Spend time reflecting on God's Glory. John 17 gives us Jesus' final prayer to his Father. in his prayer he prays for us. He prays for us to be oe. As he is in us, we are in him. Pray for unity. Pray for the ones who know Jesus. I pray for unity within our church.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Even the smallest of messages still can mean I love you. The goal is to never give up hope. I listened to the watch service and I think the charge for the new year is to keep believing.


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