My heartfelt desire is to be true and sincere. To love God and to love my fellow man. To show my angst and happiness through words and deeds.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Don't Underestimate the Power of Prayer
The baby woke up at three and didnt go bach to sleep until four thirty. I'm so glad I get that extra hour this weekend. I need coffee right now and lots of it. It looks like Starbucks will get sdome of my money today.
Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
In the Name of Jesus

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Good Morning

Monday, October 27, 2008
Good Night
God is still in control. This calls for all of your strength and faith. This is a family devastated by a tragedy at the hands of a supposed love one. Its so sad. Three lives ended and another one wasted to a life in prison. God is still in control.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Early, Early Day
Today I went to the 8:30 service thinking Iwould have time to worship, grocery shop, and get back in time to do some actual work on my portfolio before I was too tired. Of course that all was contigent on the little one taking his nap when we got home. But oh no, he took a small nap on the way home, 30 minutes max, and he was up for the afternoon. I had to wait till his mommy got home so she could entertain him. I still managed to get started by 6pm. Its 8:17 now and I have managed to get something done.
Thank You God. Thank you for such a wonderful day. I could express how I was blessed at the 8:30. It was a good sermon. They sung one of my favorite songs. "I love the Lord,He heard My Cry". Bake sale after church. Got a parking spot in the lot.
I have not figured out how to add pictures. It probably requires reading something and following directions. Oh Well. God will guide me.
I pray that my actions stay consistent with my beliefs. I thank God for another day. Allowing me to worship Him, I shall praise Him forever, and ever and ever. What if I had the opportunity to see Jesus here on earth, what would I say, what would I feel? What would He say to me? How would that encounter change my life? Do I prepare and believe that he will return? I pray that I make god's values my values.
Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bali is very nice. I like the idea of a serene place.
I will honor God by believieng his word for me. I will honor him by magnifying his word and speak of his goodness and mercy in my life. I honor God when I speak of Him. Continual praise is in my heart, my mind and on my lips.
Last night the "Pocketbook Monologues" spoke to many of the women in that place. The resounding theme was of someone being used. Used for another persons desires and personal pleasure. Using someone you love, or say you love, to satisfy your desires without considering the other person. Don't awake love until its mature and ready. Love is patient and love is kind.
Song of Songs 3 offers insight into the insecurities but it also shows us the public display and the the affirmation of love. The day of his wedding. The public and private day of commitment.
Bless the Lord at all times. May his praises continually be in my mouth.
God bless you today and may you be a blessing to someone.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Promises of God
The promises of God are Yes!
Sometimes I have trouble believing his promises include me, but they do. I agree with mentally, I know God is Able, I know he is a Savior but can I fully and completely trust him for my life? What do I do when my mind staggers on the promise? I continue to meditate on the Word. I reflect on the promises. I think about how God has been in my life before and continues to be in my life now. I recall the blessings of the Lord. I remember the abundance that is possible. I know he has saved me, blessed me and continues to bless me. Trust Him. When I think about all that God has done for me and others in my life I dont find it hard to believe again. I can be a living example of Love. Don't ever take that for granted. Rejoice in the Lord when others have things go right in their lives. Teach me to talk in love to be patient and tender. Let me meditate on that vision of God's Promise in my life. Let me have a picture in my mind's eye. Let me keep concrete visions so that some day actually becomes one day and this day. Today I focus on God's promise being reality in my life, it will happen. God keeps His promise. I believe that. I trust Him to want to keep his promise to me. I am important, special and loved. I am the apple of his eye. God loves me. Be blessed today and be a blessing of love to someone.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
No Burdens
God's love is such that we should want to do his commandments. It should not be because we have to but because we want to.We should want to please God. God wants us to love one another and forgive one another. Without love there will be no joy and the joy of the Lord is our strength. God knows what it takes for us to love and forgive in this world. Without God its impossible to be successful. So where does doubt come in
Psalm 73 show us contradictions between what we believe and what we experience. We believe God loves us and protects us but then we see those who are prospering and healthy and God is the furthest from their minds. But Lord I know that you hold me and keep me. I know the fate of those that dont keep your word. I struggle with my own inability to stay on the straight and narrow. I dont pointthe finger and say look at them or look at me, I am not boastful or prideful. I struggle with the best of them. My flesh is physical and my heart will one day stop but my joy is that I will be in heaven one day with you. I pray that I continue to seek God and pray Gods prayers, meditate on the Word of God and stay faithful to God.that is my desire and I pray that it is not a burden.
Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone. It has blessed me to know and love you.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Press into the Word
The Holy spirit is speaking a word in my heart. Draw into a more intimate relationship. It's important for my survival. If I dont, I wont make it. If I do then I will be closer to a God that will pour out his love and blessings abundantly. Dont go from disaster to diaster, press into the Word. The Word is God. Know that spending time with God is getting to kow him better. He already knows me. Let the Word dominate my thoughts and my feelings. Press In to a closer relationship. Have a blessed day and be a blessing to someone.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Don't Hesitate
Praise the Lord this wonderful and glorious morning. Dont hesitate to do something that God told you to do. Being indecivise all the time creates an unstable and unreliable person. Uncertainty rules the way you think, feel and how you decide to make any decision. Receive the man of God in your life. Trust God to know that who ever He sends in your life, is a man of God. Receive who God has sent to you.
Who am I to judge a servant of God? Receive the servant as if it were Jesus himself. Dont let criticism hold back the annointing of God. People are going to talk. Opposition from the outside is inevitable.
When the enemies come against you to tear you down, they start off small and in seeing that your faith is strong and your continued working towards a goal have not faltered, then they decide to bring out the heavy stuff. But GOD knows our heart and when we stand to rebuild the wall, to reestablish the love and communication, then God is with us. If God is with us then who can be against us. I love the fact that I have to remind my self to let someone else take care of me for a change. What does that feel like.? I dont know but I'm sure going to find out.
Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Change is Coming
I ask God to help me be more open and flexible to the changes that he desires to bring about in my life. Teach me to be more flexible, harden not my heart. Show me the things that I needed to have been least rigid about. Help me have a new perspective, new excitement for the future and the ability to calm my nerves when there is uncertainty.
When it is the "first of the first" of anything, there is always apprehension.As I meditate on the word I find solace. We don't know what the future holds but we do know a change is coming. If we are able to speak what is in our hearts and be truthful that change is necessary then we are able to embrace and welcome change. Speak the Truth. Let your heart be your guide. God will put the words in your mouth. I ask God to allow me to be flexible, loving and consistent. Allow me to bring about the desires that he has for me in my life. Let me do the desires of God's heart.
I pray for a safe journey for you. I am so happy to know that you are going to take some time off. I pray that you do rest and reflect. This has been a challenging two years since you were on vacation, a real vacation. A lot has hapened, your world is very different since you were there last. We need you to restore yourself and to love yourself. I need you to do that. I wish I was going with you, but who knows, one day that just might be the reality. With plenty of prayers, supplication, mercy and forgiveness, all things are possible. All things are possible for me, I believe that it can and will happen to me. I love you. Be blessed and be a huge blessing to someone else.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Love and Respect
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Don't Judge Me
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Never Underestimate the Power Of Your Prayers
We are so desperately in need of God's guidance. If our children continue on the path that they have, at the end of this school year we could have over ninety children killed by gunfire. NINETY. That's just ridiculous. We have to do something, something better, something to make these children learn to talk to each other again. Most of us are overwhelmed by the problems and think that there is nothing we can do but pray. But prayers work. Action is also good. Faith without works is dead. Our prayers are powerful and we have to remember the power of prayer and the strength in believing in our prayers. We have to pray for those in authority, those who are dying and those doing the killings.
We cannot be a church that protest the killings and when the reality of a death occurs we cant turn our backs on the family and say no about the funeral in our church. Evidence of the horrible tragedy is around us every day. I don't want to be a church that just talks about the problem but doesn't really help the people involved. We must be doers of the Word.
I think that Jennifer Holiday and Jennifer Hudson say it best for me"...And I am telling you, I'm not going nowhere, your the best man I have ever known and I am staying, staying, staying, and you are going to love me..." On that note I will say goodnight.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Oh Well, Go Bears
At least we have the bragging rights to say we won one game.
Now to focus on another atheletic team to keep our minds off reality.
Put on Your Spiritual Armor
Its not a battle of flesh and blood but of the spirit.
We have to realize that blaming people and circumstances are not the way.
I have been consumed with what I see. It looks bleak but I have to remember that God is in the mix. God hears our prayers. God hears the prayers of his people. GOD IS.
So when I think I can come up with the solution, I have to ask, Is God in this or do I think I am in charge? Did I seek Him first, am I acting on His behalf? Did I ask God what to do? When I come against an obstacle do I ask God to fight the battle or do I take it on for myself? Am I pleased with the results? How's that been working for me lately? I know I love you, I love the Lord and I love me. I take my place with the faithful and I let God know that I love Him. I shall bless his name at all times.
Have a blessed afternoon and evening. Be blessed and be a blessing to someone.
"Hope is a waking dream." This is the process by which you are experiencing such growth. To slowly realize that we are not pawns in the great game of life; but have power to command the very elements to create our experiences now that is a dream that gives great hope for our future."
- Aristotle
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Root of It All
Friday, October 3, 2008
This is Disturbing
I wanted to give you this information last night but I didn't see you. I guess you were watching the debate.
I pray that I will be renewed with new found knowledge. Knowing that everything is going to be alright. Staying faithful and resourceful. Keep the faith. Believe in God and know that all things are in his hands.
Anyway, this was something my daughter told me about when she returned form visiting her friend at the campus of NYU in New York. She had to go to New York to find this out. Anyway on if you go to that website and do a search for Jay Stones you will get a few different viedos. Pick the one that has Response to...trick trick.
On this video are boys who are on the southside in someone's backyard, during the daytime firing off a gun, showing the gun and just acting like fool. She also told me that Austin's daddy was in in the video and sure enough, he is sticking his head in the video. Now what is it that you can do about this? I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE, Probably nothing, but it was something that I wanted you to know about because these boys are in that neighborhood. Knowledge is power and I didnt want to be indifferent to this knowledge. My daughter said some of them have been to the ARK and that they also helped out with the Divine Restoration Project. Maybe you even recognize some of them. I just think this is disturbing. I think I copied and pasted the link here, so try this first, but you can find it at the site also.
We are trying to rid the community of guns and reduce the violence and these boys, men really, they are all over 21, are out doing stupid stuff. To top it off they decided to put it on YOUTUBE!!! How disgusting. I believe that this father, this young man will either be behind bars or six feet under. I think I want you to know. I dont want to say that I think its ok knowing and not telling someone else or trying to inform the community. Keeping Informed about whats going on out there.
Blog Archive
- Don't Underestimate the Power of Prayer
- In the Name of Jesus
- Good Morning
- Good Night
- Early, Early Day
- Praise the Lord its done! Ihave posted and importe...
- The Promises of God
- No Burdens
- Press into the Word
- Don't Hesitate
- Change is Coming
- Love and Respect
- Don't Judge Me
- Never Underestimate the Power Of Your Prayers
- Oh Well, Go Bears
- Put on Your Spiritual Armor
- The Root of It All
- This is Disturbing