Doesnt it seem that the thing we want most is the hardest to get? Wouldnt it be nice to have a conversation where I am communicating with you and you are communicating with me and the whole thing is just flowing like water down a hill. There is something about a relationship that you notice a natural flow. Its not complicated, rushed or pushed, it just flows. I want to talk to you like that. Its amazing to me that we both say we want each other, we are in like with each other (I cant say love until we are speaking again on a natural level, how can we say we love each other and we dont even talk) My thing for this nmonth is how can we say we love each other and we dont talk. We cannot keep this going without some verbal communication between each other. I thought I could do this and make it better but it is not better. What can we do? How do we make this better. There has to be some verbal communication. We dont have to sleep together, we dont have to date, we dont have to kiss, we have to talk to each other. That's all, just talk to each other. Isnt that important? I think I have relied on this journal to be my communicator and I resent that. You have a better relationship with me here than you do in person. That cant be right.I know I am to blame and I want to fix that. Help me fix that. Help me talk to you. Give me 60 seconds. Count it down if you have to, but pause, with me, even if its silence, pause with me. Pause.
Three Elements of Effective Verbal Communication
Communication does not take place unless the following three components are present – listening, talking, and self-control. These three components are pointed out in James 1:19 -- Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:
Little or no communication takes place unless someone listens and someone speaks! If you talk and no one is listening, there is no communication. If you listen and no one is willing to talk there is no communication. But that’s not all. There can be talking and listening but when anger enters the picture, effective communication ceases! Effective communication only takes place when there is listening and talking in the context of self-control. (See Acts 7:51-60).
In summary, there are three elements in effective communication – listening, talking, and self-control.
The Five Steps to Peace
1. I acknowledge that some of my old beliefs about God and about life are no longer working.
2. I acknowledge that there is something I do not understand about God and about Life, the understanding of which could change everything.
3. I am willing for new understandings of God and Life to now be brought forth, understandings that could produce a new way of life on this planet.
4. I am willing to explore and examine these new understandings and, if they align with my inner truth and knowing, to enlarge my belief system to include them.
5. I am willing to live my life as a demonstration of my beliefs.
Source: The New Revelations a book by Neale Donald Walsch - Author of the Conversations with God book series.
Communicating with God, not just to Him.
True communication is a close, personal exchange - a dialogue. As with any other relationship, it implies listening, hearing, receiving. Most of us are good at communicating to God, but learning to listen, hear and receive is a skill that must be developed. Hearing and receiving from God makes it possible for us to become decision-discerners instead of just decision-makers. We offer practical ways of learning to communicate with God and not just to Him so that a personal relationship with a perfect, loving, heavenly Father can be experienced