Today wasn't as bad as it could have been but I'm going to say I can't wait to see the end of it.
I began the day talking to two parents about their problem children. Then one of the 8th grade teachers was missing and her sub couldnt walk up the three flights of steps again to pick up her kids on the playground so Myself and the other teacher had to bring up three classes together. What a sight! Then we had to change schedule and and prepare them for a city wide test on Tuesday. Then after the preparations for my class I had to go to the other class and have the sub go to my class while I explained the interest inventory to this group. Then we had lunch and it went quickly. Twenty minutes which is really fifteen or ten by the time you check in the office or talk to someone. Back to class and then we are told we have to go to the auditorium at 12:30 for the kick off for the candy drive. The vendor is blaring some loud music and enticing the children with a chance to get into the money machine and catch as much money as they can if they are chosen. Back up stairs and we have a chance to begin the test I have for them before they go to library and I have a small prep. But no, it doesnt work like that. When I take them to the library, the class in there before us is still there and their teacher hasnt come to pick them up. So we wait, and wait and wait. Finally I leave after twenty minutes and I have twenty minutes for my self but no, I don't. I get a call to go to the asst principal's office for a meeting. A parent is there to complain about the eighth grade teachers talking to a retired asst principal who visited the school yesterday, about her daughter. I didnt even know the woman and the other teacher I was with did most of the talking. This became a big matter of confidentiality because the parent used to be good friends with the the asst principal and now she was upset that someone talked about her daughter to the retired asst principal. The other teacher said they were making a big deal out of nothing but with the principal, our asst principal, the mother and father and two teachers in the room we had to agree to never discuss any student unless its the parent or legal guardian. I have no problem with that and totally agree. My only concern is that I am always confronted by someone who says, I'm the grandmother, I'm the aunt, I'm the grandfather, if you have any problems with so and so just let me know. I sai I wouldnt talk to anybody unless they had ID and proof of guardianship. I believe even the students have a right to privacy. There was a court case where the mother sued a district because the teacher would have the students exchange papers and grade each others papers. One student was teased by another student and he told his mother and she won the case. No more switching papers. I don't have my students switch papers even though we have not had that happen here, I don't want it to become a big deal since I know the parents are very particular about their students privacy. Students have rights and they are being enforced by their parents. Well, after that I went upstairs and someone had picked them up from the library so we began to prepare for departure and after ten minutes of preparation we were ready to go and I wakded them downstairs and out. I went back in and signed out and went to my car. I couldnt get out of there fast enough. There was a little traffic coming home but nothing major. I have to pick up a video from the library for school for next week and to the police station and report the fact that my registration was stolen. I would like to also wash some clothes since I will be gone early tomorrow but I'm not sure if I'll get around to that. I'm also going to correct some papers too.
So, now you know what my day was like and what my plans are for this evening. Not very exciting but its me. I'm looking forward to Sunday. Unity Sunday. We will have this wonderful brunch for the 22 families and we can stand by and watch them eat while they feel self conscious about the whole thing. The faith community deserves a little more than that, think. We have been there when ever you have called. Chicken dinners for shelters, donations and volunteer time for social services, marches, protest and whatever you ask for, you have your faithful 300-400 people who would do anything for you. I'm surprised you would say they had to watch folks eat and pretend to be happy about it. Jesus fed the multitude. Well I'm sure I'm tired and its late. I have to run those errands I mentioned, library and police station.
Take Care tonight and have a relaxing evening.