Friday, September 30, 2005

Good Night

OK, I didnt make it to the library or the police station. I started grading papers and it just got late for me. I'll do it tomorrow.

While I was grading something came to mind that has been gnawing at me, so since we are being so honest this week let me say it. I think that if you really wanted this to go to another level then you would make sure that it did. I know you know how to get what you you want and make things go your way. If you were ready for this then it would happen. It would be your doing too. You're a man that knows how to get things done and you like to direct and conquer things. If you were ready for this, then it would happen. That's all I have to say. You're not ready. You would be talking to me and I would be talking to you. You would make me talk to you. You would have this together. You would make this happen. You just aren't ready yet. It's not the right time yet. When it is, you'll make it happen. No excuses from me that's for sure. OK, that's it. The End. Date Night is over. Good Night, Be Blessed and Know that you are loved.

Well I Made It

Today wasn't as bad as it could have been but I'm going to say I can't wait to see the end of it.

I began the day talking to two parents about their problem children. Then one of the 8th grade teachers was missing and her sub couldnt walk up the three flights of steps again to pick up her kids on the playground so Myself and the other teacher had to bring up three classes together. What a sight! Then we had to change schedule and and prepare them for a city wide test on Tuesday. Then after the preparations for my class I had to go to the other class and have the sub go to my class while I explained the interest inventory to this group.  Then we had lunch and it went quickly. Twenty minutes which is really fifteen or ten by the time you  check in the office or talk to someone. Back to class and then we are told we have to go to the auditorium at 12:30 for the kick off for the candy drive. The vendor is blaring some loud music and enticing the children with a chance to get into the money machine and catch as much money as they can if they are chosen. Back up stairs and we have a chance to begin the test I have for them before they go to library and I have a small prep. But no, it doesnt work like that. When I take them to the library, the class in there before us is still there and their teacher hasnt come to pick them up. So we wait, and wait and wait. Finally I leave after twenty minutes and I have twenty minutes for my self but no, I don't. I get a call to go to the asst principal's office for a meeting. A parent is there to complain about the eighth grade teachers talking to a retired asst principal who visited the school yesterday, about her daughter. I didnt even know the woman and the other teacher I was with did most of the talking. This became a big matter of confidentiality because the parent used to be good friends with the the asst principal and now she was upset that someone talked about her daughter to the retired asst principal. The other teacher said they were making a big deal out of nothing but with the principal, our asst principal, the mother and father and two teachers in the room we had to agree to never discuss any student unless its the parent or legal guardian. I have no problem with that and totally agree. My only concern is that I am always confronted by someone who says, I'm the grandmother, I'm the aunt, I'm the grandfather, if you have any problems with so and so just let me know. I sai I wouldnt talk to anybody unless they had ID and proof of guardianship. I believe even the students have a right to privacy. There was a court case where the mother sued a district because the teacher would have the students exchange papers and grade each others papers. One student was teased by another student and he told his mother and she won the case. No more switching papers. I don't have my students switch papers even though we have not had that happen here, I don't want it to become a big deal since I know the parents are very particular about their students privacy. Students have rights and they are being enforced by their parents. Well, after that I went upstairs and someone had picked them up from the library so we began to prepare for departure and after ten minutes of preparation we were ready to go and I wakded them downstairs and out. I went back in and signed out and went to my car. I couldnt get out of there fast enough. There was a little traffic coming home but nothing major. I have to pick up a video from the library for school for next week and to the police station and report the fact that my registration was stolen. I would like to also wash some clothes since I will be gone early tomorrow but I'm not sure if I'll get around to that. I'm also going to correct some papers too.

So, now you know what my day was like and what my plans are for this evening. Not very exciting but its me. I'm looking forward to Sunday. Unity Sunday. We will have this wonderful brunch for the 22 families and we can stand by and watch them eat while they feel self conscious about the whole thing. The faith community deserves a little more than that, think. We have been there when ever you have called. Chicken dinners for shelters, donations and volunteer time for social services, marches, protest and whatever you ask for, you have your faithful 300-400 people who would do anything for you. I'm surprised you would say they had to watch folks eat and pretend to be happy about it. Jesus fed the multitude. Well I'm sure I'm tired and its late. I have to run those errands I mentioned, library and police station.

Take Care tonight and have a relaxing evening.

Good Morning

Glory to your name Lord Jesus. Thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for the rest tht I did get. I was awaken around 3:30 and not able to return to sleep. Its going to be a long day today. I feel a headache brewing also. I need to stop and get  coffee this morning.  But none the less, thank you Lord for allowing me to start on this day. Thank you Lord forbelieving in me and giving me another chance to work things out today. I put my trust in you Lord and believe you will see me through. I don't know what the day has in store for me but I'm sure its worth it.

Finally, its Friday. Even though I have to chaparone on Saturday its only a half day. Thank you Lord for another day to get it right.My God shall supply all of my needs today. I am not going to make this a pressured filled day today. I have to prepare my students for an Explore test and then I have a test for them. I plan to leave right when the children leave today. I'm bringing my stuff down with me so when I walk them out I'm leaving also. How was your night? Did you sleep well? What are your concerns for today? I just ask the Lord to renew our minds and give us new hope and a pure heart. I love you today. Be blessed and have a good day.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Thief Strikes Again

Well, once again I have something missing. This time I don't know who to blame it on . My car registration is missing off the back of my car. I just noticed it today so I have no idea when it occurred. I had to park on the street a couple of times so its possible someone in the neighborhood. I just don't know.The parking lot is not that safe either.  I didn't have this kind of problem at Cabrini. They never stole anything except my hall pass and I know who did that because he would constantly take it in the classroom. He liked it so much. This westside so different. I dont have the intense behavior problems like I did at Cabrini, but I have more sneaky behavior. More dishonesty. More lies. If they did it or said it at Cabrini they just admitted it. They didnt care what people thought or said aobut them. These folks constantly deny even when you see them do it. Different challenges but still challenges. I have a stack of papers to look at. This writing is something else. Everyday they are writing something. I have to keep them busy and occupied. Keep giving them homework, keep them working towards an achievable goal. I didnt leave until a little after four.The traffic was so bad. Especially around the new IKEA. Its right down the street from me and I'm tired of it already. The traffic is unbearable. I'm watching a travel special on natural wonders of Hawaii. Its very interesting. OK I have to look at these papers, tonight.

I don't like to tell you I'm going to do something because if I don't do it then I feel guilty. If I don't tell you then it doesnt matter whether I do it or not. But if I tell you then a declaration has been made and I have to make an effort. Right now I just want to be lazy but I have to look at those papers so I will. Good Night and have a good evening.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Thank you Lord for waking me up today. Thank you Lord for starting me on my way. Thank You Lord for giving me another chance to get it right. Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace. Thank you Lord for another day. Lord renew my mind and my siprit.Lord let me continue the conversation with my loved ones. Lord let my heart be full of love and hope and peace. My daughter gave me the news I didnt want to hear. It doesnt surprise me after all she did move in with her boyfriend.

Today is just Thursday. No plans after school but to just come home. That's my biggest plan for today. This Saturday I'm chaparoning the trip to McCormick place for the high school fair.

Have a blessedly wonderful day and take very good care of yourself.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Its the end of the day and I'm glad its here. Now I have something three nights a week.

Monday will end in December. Wednesday's are every other week and not during vacation times so that's good.

I think this is our way of having a conversation. On Sunday I'm able to reply to something you have said. On Tuesday I can reply to something you have said. Then Wednesday, Thurs Friday and Saturday I have to talk to myself. I have to let out trickles of me and my life and hope they arent too boring or that I dont sound too looney.  I bet if a woman came to you and said she was having a relationship with a man but she doesnt talk to him and they dont spend anytime toghther you would tell her maybe its not really a relationship, honey. Maybe you need to check the definition of relationship. You would think she is looney. No one can understand what is going on here and not think something is not quite right with this setup. I think God wants us to have our own private relationship. He wants us to be able to communicate with each other even when the whole world is in on it. I believe
God wants us to find our secret place within ourselves and for us to connect together. Sometimes I know when you are speaking that you meant that just for me. Just me and no one else. Somethings are for others but somethings are just for me and I know it and it puts a smile on my heart. With any communication there's a sender and a receiver and a message. I don't want to break that loop. I think we will always have some form of communication between us. Its so important to communicate. To be intune to another person. To really know them and they know you. Let's not ever stop communicating. You always call me out when I begin to drift. You know something is just not quite right.

Well I'm really tired and I have an early start tomorrow. Take Care and have a blessed evening.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

I have to keep this the same because I am always thankful that God woke me up today and has allowed me to start on my way. I have to acknowledge who's the boss in my life. Thank you Lord for blessing me this morning.  Thank you Lord for you mercy and your grace. You understanding of what I need and when I need it. I needed a fresh word to touch my heart last night and it did. Convict me Lord. Make me hear and know that you care. Lets work together, I'm a firm believer that action speaks louder than words. Where's the action? I have the words right here. I hear the words from you. I'm writing, you're speaking. You need to write a book. You should have a video feed on the internet. People need to have a visual of you and the church experience. People need to hear you and God's word from you. You can't listen to everyone out there claiming to preach God's word. Those that are truly men of God need to reach the people. One thing about people, they will follow someone, let that someone be a man of God. That's been something I've wanted to say for a long time. I believe there is power in the tongue and I speak life over this relationship. Rejuvenate, renew, refresh the air when we are together. Make something happen. Renew my mind to speak life into this journal. Youw ant the truth...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. I know its Jack Nicholson from a movie, but sometimes I think you can't quite handle it from me. I think your pastoral senses pop up and you want to solve my problem and fix my problem come to my rescue somehow. But what if you can't always solve my problem? What then? I have to trust in God to solve my problems and lean not to my own understanding on that problem. What may be a problem for me, may not be a problem for you. Oh and by the way, rare steaks, yuck. Medium steaks are for me. Just a small strip of rare running through the middle. Now done, not rare, medium. You might as well just take the steak out of the wrapper and start eating it.

Yesterday I had Open House. That's why I was late. I didn't get out of there until almost 6:30. Today I have my first year teacher meeting tonight with this new group. I'll be over in Hyde Park. I have to hurry and get there because the meeting starts at 4pm.

I'm going over today but I guess I needed to talk for a change.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


It has gotten stale, hasn't it.

Sometimes there's so much in me that I want to say and I just decide not to go down that road. I know you have troubles too. I know I'm not the only one and I don't want to come off as poor pitiful me. I'm not trying to be self centered or vain. It seems I can't get it right either way. When I think I'm talking too much about myself I shut up. Then I dont talk enough about myself. One thing though, I'm allergic to nuts also. Almonds, coconut, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts. I have an analyphalactic reaction. I have to carry an epi pen around just in case. I try to avoid them at all cost. This is something that came on in my adulthood. I think I had traces of it when I was younger because I never really liked nuts. But when I had a severe reaction after drinking hazelnut coffee and eating banana nut bread I try to avoid it at all cost.

The truth is I feel like I am believing God for a miracle. In the natural it looks bleak. I cant see how we are to get from where we are now to any kind of  actual relationship. It seems we grow further apart in the natural and I am perplexed and dont even know where or how to even change work on it or do anything and it frustrates me. It just seems that whenever we have an opportunity to be in the same place at the same time thats all it is, we are in the same place at the same time. I just have to turn it over to God because I know its not going to come from any idea I have.

I'm tired but I wanted to address some of your concerns.I'm just muddling along the best I know how. Take Care and be blessed.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Thank you God for another day. Thank you for your blessings and mercies. Thank you Lord for waking me up and starting me on my way. Thank you for letting me be a part of your vision and mission here on this Earth. Lord I may not understand everything I'm suppose to understand but I press on for some kind of understanding.

I had a difficult day yesterday. I'm struggling on the job at something I thought I was through with. Thank God for a testimony last night that I pray will help me with some more ideas for succeeding in this new field. I was suppose to met someone for tutoring yesterday, but I guess they forgot.

I hope you had a good day. I hope you were able to run things the way they needed to be run. You have lots of things to do and I'm sure it can be overwhelming at times. Keep the faith. God is working together for our good. God wants to save us it the message I continue to get. He loves me and wants me. God loves me. I love Him. I want to do His will. I walk in HIS faith today. Be blessed and have a good day.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

This is the day that the Lord has made. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be a part of this day. Thank you Lord for giving me another chance to do your will in this world. You brighten my day and I rest in your peace. Thank you Lord for loving me.

This weekend was here and gone. Just like a vapor. Our time together was here and gone. We must cherish even the little moments together. Gentleness and caring must be the hope and thoughts that we carry for each other. God will make a way and I rely on his guidance and nudgings. Speak to my heart Lord. Renew my mind. Restore my soul. Refresh my spirit so that I am walking in your will. I trust you. I love you. Have a wonderful day and be blessed.

Sunday, September 25, 2005



You said Hi and you said my name. I heard that. I know that relying on the Lord and resting in His peace will have evrything to work out just right. I know that just trusting in you and Him to be there is a lot of trust for me. I pray that I pay attention to God's will and keep on the right track. I just thank God for you. What a blessing you are. I have high expectations for you. There's greatness in your future.

I have to grade papers tonight and I started on them but had to take a break and just say how much I was thinking of you and how things are going to get better, not worse. We have nowhere to go but up. Faithful. Committed. Faithful. Be blessed and have a good night.

Good Morning

"Lighthouse and Jesus" Print

Good Morning Good Morning

God is a good God and He's worthy to be praised. Let us come together today in praise and worship. Glory to your name Lord. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you Lord for giving me another chance to get it right today. Thank you for waking me up today. Thank you for needing me to continue to try working things out for you. Thank you Lord for loving me. Thank you Lord for caring about me. I love you Lord. Thank you.

I'm feeling much better today. I will be at church. todya and I excited about being there. Education Sunday. Have a wonderful blessed day and I will see you soon. I love you. Take care of yourself.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

God has blessed me to have another day. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord for another day. Another day to walk in your will. This is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning. Thank you Lord for loving me and caring enough to know me. You know the numbers of strands on my head and the thoughts and desires of my heart. You know me God. You know that I love you. I love you. I love you. Thank you God for loving me. Lord you comfort me. When I think of you I have peace. When my mind is racing with all the things I should, do, what hasn't been done, what needs to be done, you comfort me. When I think of you my mind is calmed. My worries are goned and I know that everything is going to be alright. Its going to be OK. When I rest in your peace I can manage my day. So today I am going to rest in your peace.

I have some errends to run today and I will stay focused on the Lord today. In Him I will find peace and comfort. Have a blessed and peaceful day today. Feel safe and loved today.

Friday, September 23, 2005


I am so happy that it's Friday.

No plans this evening and I'm happy about that.

I have a headache and I think I will take it easy and relax this evening. I think I'm coming down with something. I'm glad its cooled off some. Take Care and I will talk to you in the morning.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Thank you Lord for one more day. Thank you for waking me up and starting me on my day. I am blessed and highly favored today. I have a purpose for The Lord. I am working on His behalf. His ways are not my way. I allow Him to guide me and direct my path. My thoughts feelings and actions form the kind of person I am and will be. My desire is to serve the Lord. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Son who died for me, allows mercy and goodness to follow me. Thank you Lord God for loving me.

I was so tired yesterday, I went to bed at 7pm and didnt wake untill this morning. Thank God it's Friday! I needed that rest. I feel much better today. I took a benadryl because my sinuses were bothering and that just allowed me to sleep through the night. Well, I have some parent conferences this morning. My "problem child" stole something again. I caught him this time and got it back. His mother is suppose to come up this morning.

I hope you have a blessed day today. Nothing but goodness and hope in your day today. I pray that you have something to smile about today. I pray that everything goes your way today. Have a blessed day and know that you are loved.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


It was so hot today. I thought it was suppose to be cooler today and I dressed for a cooler day. Oh my goodness!! I was so warm in that room. When I got home I just immediately took a shower and tried to cool off.

How was your day today? Did you move the lamp and not the sofa?

My lesson plans are due tomorrow so I am trying to work on them.

Just a note to say"Hi".

I'll write something else before I go to bed if I can. I imagine you are not in your office anyway.  Take Care and be blessed.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Thank you Lord for waking me up and starting me on my way. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. I am blessed going in to this day and blessed at the end of the day.

I give gloyr and praise to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ His ways are not my ways and I lean not to my own understanding. I trust in the Lord to lead me and guide me in all things. Thank you Lord for loving me. Thank you Lord for caring about me. Thank you Lord for being able to use me. Thank you Lord for having a plan that includes me. It's not about me Lord, its about you.

I stay committed to my relationship with God and my relationship with you. Commitment is what I desire. I don't turn left or right, I stay on the straight and narrow path to my victory.I trust in God to see me through. I trust in God for the victory. I trust in you to be there in the end. I trust in you. As I wrote that I had to look at it twice. I TRUST IN YOU. What a big step for me. It brings tears to my eyes now. I TRUST IN YOU. I do mean that now. Trust. Well that was unexpected. Now I'm sitting here crying. Why, because I trust you.

Well, have a blessed day and remember that I love you today. Also move the lamp not the sofa. Be blessed today.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Good Night

I just wanted to get back and say good night. I am feeling much better than I was this morning. I prayed going into work and worshipped and it encouraged me. I think you were praying for me to because I felt it. Thank you for your prayers. I know your days are busy, I hope you are able to rest in the evening. I hope you don't have severe headaches when you have these long days. I pray for complete and total healing for you. No headaches or body aches. Take Care of yourself and I will talk with you in the morning.

Good Night.


I came straight home today. I was exhausted. I should have given the "liars and theives" speech yesterday. I didn't and he struck again. Not me but one of my students in class was affected by the same student. This time I have suspended him. I understand his mother is an enabler. She never sees anything wrong with him or his behavior. He sits in class and does absolutely nothing. I have not received one piece of homework or classwork from him. Its amazing he made it this far.

I came directly home today. I was so happy to leave right after school.

I'm on my way to the library to pick up some things I had on hold.

I'll be back.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Thank You Lord for waking me up and starting me on my day. I'm blessed by just waking up today. Thank you Lord for your blessings. I struggle this week and I know I have you close by to comfort me and to help me along my way.  I have to keep the faith and remember that all things really are possible, if God is in them. My spirit is heavy and troubled. I'm not really sure why other thatn the normal things going on. I 'm not worrying about anything in particular. I haven't had anything extremely different happen at work and yet I have this feeling of dread and heaviness. I push forward searching for my joy. I want my joy back. I walk towards the Lord's presence. I pray for healing of spirit and mind.

I have a staff meeting this morning so I have to be there on time if not early. I'm sorry I didn't make an entry last night. I was exhausted and I just came in and prepared for bed. I thank God for his unconditional love of me. I  love you. Have a blessed day today.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. What a blessing we have to have another day to get it right. My goal is to get it right. I want to do God's will in my life. I want to be able to keep working for Lord all the days of my life. Thank you Lord for loving me.. I want to do well with the little things so that I can take on some of the bigger things. Thank you Lord for loving me.

I look forward to the end of the day. Bible study and fellowship. Thank you Lord for the ability worship you. I choose to be with you and I continue to magnify your name.

My day is going to be great. I plan to keep my positive attitude and I have given the details to God. I refuse to be discouraged because that indicates I dont trust Him to work it out. I have to walk in faith, love and hope. I have to believe in God's will in my life.

Take Care today and Be Blessed.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Good Night


It is so true, criminals love to brag. They have to show their spoils. I know who the theif is. Its a student. One who I suspected. He doesn't know that I know, but I'm sure the thought of having to bring his parents up for the fact that he hasnt done any homeword or school work must make him wonder. I plan to lecture on liars and thieves. I'm not going to belabor the point but I want him to know that he or anyone else will not come into my classroom and steal from me without some repercussions.  I do feel better now that I know who it was. I'm going to pray on how best to address the issue without letting on that someone told me they saw him eating the chips. I don't want anything to happen to the person who told me.  Today was a long day. I'm exhausted. We are watching The Emmett Till Story for class and I saw the first half of it three times already. Tomorrow I will see the second half three times.

I heard your voice as I was leaving today. I didnt understand what you were saying but I knew it was you. It made me think about when I give you a hug while in the line and you say something to me. I dont understand what you are saying. The noise and the people make it difficult. Maybe my hearing is going but it is not clear to me. I think its I love you, I love you too. Something good like that. I dont know but I was thinking on that while riding home. What is it that he's saying to me? I wonder.

Well, its off to be for me. I wonder what Oprah gave away today?

Be blessed and truly be a blessing to someone.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Blessings to you this morning. Thank you God for waking me up and starting me on my way. Thank you God for you presence in my life. Thank you God for today. I love you and I want you to know it. Unconditional love.

Glory to your name, God. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

When I don't know what to day I just have to say, I love you. When I can't form the thoughts, I know I love you. Thank you for loving me. I love you. Have a blessed day and walk in love.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Good Night

Sometimes when I say something I just don't know what to say.

God will find a way. All things work together.

There's something more and I'm not sure what it is.

I just know I'm staying on my path with you.

Today is my oldest birthday. I went over her apartment for the first time yesterday. I told her I wouldn't be coming over often. The arrangement she lives in is not comfortable for me.

I went over my dad's when i left church. I visited and got gas and also convinced him to give my daughter her car back. Its been sitting in his parking lot since it got stolen last year.Now that she's moved she needs a car badly.

Well, I guess we are starting another week. Stay on the journey. Dont stray even when it begins to look like nothing is changing and nothing ever will change. Stay on the path and fight the good fight of faith. Have faith in God's word. God's word is true. These words are to encourage me to stay on the path even when nothing changes. Stay on the path. Be Blessed. Feel Better. You are healed in Jesus name.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

This is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship.

Today is God's Day all over this country and many parts of the world. We will lift our hands in praise and worship. We will lift our voices in thanksgiving and praise. We will worship our Lord all the days of our lives. Yes Lord, We will praise you, we will worship you and we will honor you Lord. Glory to your name.  I'm thankful that I can pray to you My LORD. You cared enough to save me through your SON, MY SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. YOUR HOLY SPIRIT rest in me. I seek to do your will, to walk in your way. Not my will but your will be done in my life. Lord I don't have a perfect prayer, I don't often know what to say, but I keep praying and I keep resting in the faith that you know what I need and you hear my prayers.

I so excited about today. I'm looking forward to it. Nothing special is going on today different. Just that I get to see MY LOVE today. That alone amuses me. It puts a smile on my face and a tickle in my stomach. God has predestined us to help save His world. That's awesome. God has something for us to do for Him. Thank You  LORD for choosing me. BE BLESSED TODAY. WE HAVE TODAY.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

God has dealt with me on my little matter. My prayer and reflection was on the crucifiixtion. Right out of Mark. Jesus was innocent and look waht happened to Him. I began to see the images of the movie "The Passion" and understood Jesus was the "sacraficial Lamb". He died for us and He had done no wrong. He was truly wronged. Thank you Lord for waking me up today and allowing me to see things in a different light. Please forgive me for my wrong doing. Forgive me for my transgressions. Thank you Lord for loving me enough to give your only Son.

I'm sorry for ending my last message so quickly. I was beginning to get upset again about the incident and I didn't want to say something offensive. I didnt want to lash out at someone who didnt hurt me for no apparent reason. I asked God to give me another chance and let me forget it.

So today is Saturday.Wash clothes, go to the cleaners and clean my bedroom and bathroom. Those are the day's events. I thank God I can even plan a day like that. My blessings are many and I want to thank God for them. God has been good to me and I will continue to praise Him everyday of my life. Thank You Lord for waking me up, starting me on my day and renewing my mind each and every day.I love you. I'm in love with you. You make my day complete. Be blessed and have a faithfilled day.

Friday, September 16, 2005


Well today was not a good day.

Someone went into my lunch and stole my chips.

Isnt that just down right low down and dirty! I was so upset. I went immediately to the engineers office and demanded my key. I havent had a key since the first day and I have been asking repeatedly for one. My room has been open and I thought something else had been taken but I wasnt sure. This time, I knew for sure.

I just have to turn it over to God and say somebody must have been hungry. They left my grapes and only took the chips. I had eaten the sandwich at lunch. This all took place within a 10 - 20 minute time span. I told my mentor and asked him what I should do and he said just forget it, let them have the chips in peace. I told security about it too. I know something else has been stolen. I bring my lunch everyday, its not like I'm giving the image of being a big spender or that I have lots of stuff. I try to be very low profile. Well, I have my key now and they may have those chips but I dont plan to allow them to get anything else from me. Everything else was fine today. I am not going to let this taint my views of the entire school. One person's theft doesnt make everyone a thief. I can say this now but I wasnt saying this when it happened. Its such a personal violation. Someone was in my lunch bag!!!

People will do anything. I think it was a student. They left the grapes and took the chips. If they were hungry I would have given them to them instead of having them take it from me.  OK, enough of that. Its over and I'm moving on from that emotion.

Now that I have said all of those things I am thinking of how I must have sounded and looked. I was upset over some chips. Now I can say where are my values? Was I being Christ-like after finding out someone had stolen from me? Was I taking it out on other people who had nothing to do with it and who in fact were trying to help me? I didnt yell or scream at anyone. I was just very controlled and terse.


Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Thank you Lord for waking me up on this wonderful, beautiful, glorious Friday morning. Yes it is Friday. Tahnk you Lord for helping me make it through this week.

Thank you Lord for the opportunity to hear your word last night. Your word is true Lord.

Lord I pray that you give us your grace and mercy. I don't know what big picture is but I know I want to be here to see it. I know that you can do immeasurably and wonderfully  on all all things. There is nothing outside the reach of God.

How did your day go yesterday? I hope you carried the lamp and not the couch. Have a blessed day today and be safe.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

Blessed is the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am up and writing. Thank you Lord for waking me up this morning. Literally, I have to thank you  Lord for waking me up. I almost slept through this morning. I hit the snooze button and didnt even look at the time. But my spirit reminded me I had something to do this morning.  Thank you Lord for waking me up and getting me up and starting me on my way. Glory to your name Lord Jesus. Thank You.

Everyday I review my bible study notes so that I can refresh and renew my mind to God's purpose in my life. It brings sunshine to my thoughts and mind. It renews the purpose that God has for my life. My heart responds to the love and I know I can continue on God's path. That's my goal to continue down God's path. I want to reach the point where I hear "MOVE THAT BUS" and just have a ridiculous blessing before me. Glory, Glory, Glory. What is impossible with me is possible with God.

Thank you for loving me. I am so in love, full of love, I just have love overflowing. I can be a little difficult but God knows I'm worth it. I'm only human. I have another parent conference this morning and then this evening I have to come straight home because my mom wants me to go with her to her church tonight. Have a good day today and know that you are loved. Sometimes things don't go the way we plan them so we have to try a different approach. Be blessed today. I know this is the big day of moving for you. You try not to do so much lifting. Take Care of yourself. Delegate.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Good Night


I have been putting together a lesson plan for the Emmett Till Story. We are planning to see the exhibit at the Historcial Society on lynching also.

I came home right away after school today. As quickly as I could anyway. One of my students grandmother caught me going out and wanted to talk about her grandson's behavior and school work. That took about 15 - 20 minutes. These 8th graders need to take their last year seriously. I wanted to go home right away and just chill out. I still made it home by 4- 4:15pm.I dont plan to stay late during the winter. I have been trying to set up my systems now so that I will be more efficient. Yeah we try but it doesnt always work like that. I just dont want to get too overwhelmed. I need to keep my positive attitude and I'm trying to put some safe guards in place so that it stays like that.

Changes can be accomplished through prayer because with God all things are possible. Thank you for loving me. I am just so in love with the possibilities and the thought of togetherness. Partners. Well, I'm coming around to the idea of it anyway. The ridiculous is about to happen.

Be blessed and have a good night.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

What a day the Lord has made. I'm still beaming over last night's bible study. I just have a glow over me. I  thank the Lord for waking me up this morning. Thank you Lord for blessing me this morning. Thank You Lord for starting me on my way. Thank You Lord for loving meThank you for loving me. When I think about the awesomeness of us together and what we can accomplish, I get goose bumps.

It continues to amaze me how God shows me what I need to see and hear. How he knows me and what I need. I'm just so comforted and renewed by love. Love is patient and kind. Its all the qualities that comfort and embrace us in hope, healing and reconciliation. Thank you for loving me. I will bless the Lord at all times and his name shall continually be on my mouth. Have a blessedly ridiculous day today. Know that you are loved. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I Am Loved

Its like a warm blanket on a cold winter's day. I'm wrapped up, tied up tangled up in love.

I want to know what life is like with you.

Aint love grand! Good Night.

Good Morning

Good Morning Good Morning

God grant me wisdom and understanding today. Thank you for waking me up today. Thank you for a good night sleep. Thank you for letting me sleep through the night. Thank you Lord for peaceful rest.

Lord I wake up with praise on my tongue. I praise you in the morning, in the noon day and in the evening. I praise you for your blessings and just for being who you are. You are God Almighty, your glory astounds me. Show us your glory Lord. You are worthy to be praised.

Lord I worship you today and everyday. I press on to do your will. Your desire is what I seek. Lord hear my prayer today, you know the desires of my heart. Help me to discern your will and guide my path to stay in your presence. I don't want to go without you Lord. I won't go without you Lord. I seek your wisdom and understanding. Lord, I pray for peace, healing, reconciliation and love. Thank you for loving me. I love you too, Lord. My love for you is not an afterthought, its deliberate and committed. Be very blessed today and have a wonderful day.


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