Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thank You

Wasn't that nice to see a priest who left the priesthood and was married. Where was his wife? It made me think that it is possible. I know God says all things are possible.

Thank You for the cake. I know its done anonymously, but of course I like to think its for me, dont tell me if its not, dont burst my bubble, just let me think that it might be. Save our Children 2009. Their lives are valuable.

My grandson was a real live terrible two today. When you said you would take off your belt, I told him I was going to tell you he had been bad and that you had my permission to spank him. He got up on that pew and sat down.
March 31 is the date. What happens is that one phase is over. Thank you Jesus, I praise the Lord and pray never to see this again. My assessment test is June 15, I scheduled it for the last available date in this cycle. I know you dont care and I am just venting my frustration with this process. I count it all folly as Paul says.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Seven Spirits of God

What are the seven spirits of God?
I heard of this while listening to revelations. I have listened to the whole new testament now. What is the seven spirits of God?
I have researched it in my pitiful manner and found ou that there is much discussion about what is meant. It seems that Isiah 11 1-3 is the commonly agreed upon meaning, but I find this very interesting.
Isaiah 11:1–3 (NASB)
1 Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse,
And a branch from his roots will bear fruit.
2 The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him,
The spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The spirit of counsel and strength,
The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
3 And He will ...

Continued debate and question. The more I look the more questions I have.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Honor God and He'll Honor You

Proverbs give us a very basic principle of success.

If you want God to honor you and bless you in any area of your life, you're going to have to honor Him in that particular area.

If you want financial blessing, you have to tithe. Give God his first fruits of your money. He was the one who gave it to you anyway.

It took me a long time to understand how important tithing was in my life. I now tithe no matter what I get. I give God 10 percent. I had to honor God with my money. I could not come to Him and ask for a blessing if I had not done my part and tithed first.

I give to God with faith, honoring him be cause He is worthy and deserving of my ten percent. God is faithful and I am always amazed at what He can do in my life.

I can't afford not to honor Him.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Thank You

Thank You Lord for another year. I am blessed and highly favored. I praise you Lord for all that you have done in my life. I praise you for all the goodness that you have given me whether I deserved it or not.

I thank you for paying for my national boards. Not one penny did I have to pay out of my pocket. I am thankful that you have given me a work environment that encourages my professional development.

Thank You Father God that all of my needs are met according to your riches in glory. I acknowledge you as Lord ove my life, my health and my finances. by giving tithes and offerings to further your cause.

Father God by the authority of your Word I tune into your message. I listen, I pray on it, I pray in the spirit, not understanding but trusting in your word, I know that my ways are not your ways and I pray for the ability to do the things that you want me to do. My desire is to please you. I want to make you happy. I want to hear you. I draw nearer to you Lord. I cant make it without you. I need you Lord. I need you.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Deliverance From Habits

This woman, Collins, has been bought, but not just bought in a civil way. She believes she is doing the right thing. Her bio indicates that she has a lot of experience with juveniles and the child health system.

She must have been approached by the NRA or INRA with either a promise to back something she wants to do or they have something on her. She's dirty either way.

She is exercising her right to withhold her vote because she has a better offer. Remember...we already know what kind of woman she is, we're just haggling over the price..what is it going to cost us, what kind of promise or ability to allow her to do the right thing for her community will she need to give us her vote.

She was probably approached by someone she trusted and believes she is acting in her best interest. Her voting record and the bills that she has up for consideration indicate that she has a desire to help children, but the fact that she is using education as the reason for not wanting background checks is absurd.

Where are these so called education classes going to take place. We can hardly teach them about safe sex, abstinence, and drug abuse with out someone screaming that's improper. During what time in the school day is this suppose to happen, in an already tight school day.

Who will supply the material, NRA? Is this gun education/training or are they just learning how to use the instruments that they have acquired in a more accurate fashion? If the argument is that the thugs are not registering then why not allow the registration for the honest/legal gun runners so that we can reduce the number of guns they are able to sell in a month. Have they promised her a pretty new community center to have these classes? She has a habit and they found out about it, she's dirty and she needs to be encouraged to do the right thing.

You have to handle it with kid gloves. She knows she holds something precious and she's not giving it up for nothing.

Father God in the name of Jesus and according to Your Word, I hereby believe in my heart and say with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord of A. Collins life. I also confess that from this day forward A. Collins is set free and delivered from the habit that Satan has bound her with, In the name of Jesus set this woman free. A. Collins is strengthened and reinforced with might and power in her inner self by the Holy Spirit who lives and dwells within her innermost being. She is strong in the Lord and empowered to do the right thing for God Almighty has strengthened her and she is released from her bondage. In Jesus Name , Amen.

Don't Serve The Problem

Father God in the name of Jesus I give thanks and love for the United States and its government. I know that our government will operate in skillful and godly wisdom.

I pray that the heart of our president and the knowledge that it contains will be pleasant and discerning.
I pray that the legislature in Washington and Illinois will be understanding and compassionate.

I pray that those who are looking our for the people, the judges, policemen and women, mayors, governors, representatives, senators and anyone else in authority will be protected and that the Holy Spirit will rest upon them to make wise and reasonable decisions concerning the lives that are in their hands today.

I pray that they reflect themselves as men and women of integrity who are obedient concerning ways in which to live a peaceful, honest and godly life.

I pray that any deceit will come to light.
Your word Lord declares that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. I receive your blessing for our nation, our state, our town.

You Lord are our stronghold and our refuge in times of trouble. I declare with my mouth my heart and my mind that our people are going to dwell in a land that is safe, safe for our children, safe for our elderly and safe for all the people to live and move and be in.

We shall prosper and have abundant life, we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

In your word it is written that the hear of the king is in the hand of the Lord, and you can turn it whichever way you desire.

Lord I plead and beg with you to turn the hearts of our leaders and people in authority to follow your divine wisdom and direction. Save our people.

Father God we give you thanks for all your works and for all that you have done, are doing and will do in our lives.

If you never do another thing Lord I will praise you daily for the rest of my life. You are worthy to be praised and your praises I will sing forever more. Glory to Your name, glory to your name, glory to your name.

Lord I understand that we cant be victorious as long as the problem is the biggest thing in our lives.

I know that I am not alone and that you are with me always.

I have the word of God to walk before me and the Holy Spirit is within me to strengthen me.

I surround myself with people who are speaking the word and believing the word and have faith in the word. I pray for my sweetheart today so that his mind is at rest and that he is capable and able to do all things today that God has led him to do. I love him Lord and I want/need him to know and believe that with all of his heart, mind and soul.

I praise God daily and continually. I love the Lord and I will bless his name at all times and his praises shall continually be in my mouth.

Be blessed today and be a blessing to someone.

My problems are not the biggest thing in my life, Jesus is and I will exalt him forever.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some Serious Thinking Had To Happen

You see, I don't get it the first time around. It takes me some time to really think about what I think you mean. Its so challenging.

My first thought was that you had a "problem" with me sitting by that man in bible study. Now I know you must know I wasn't interested in him. After all, he was there first and I was trying to get a comfortable seat. I wasn't rude nor was I overly friendly. I know you aren't jealous of me talking to another man who I don't even know.

We are all weird or we have weirdness thrust upon us. None of us are perfect and if we were we wouldn't like it. Like Lowry said there is good crazy and bad crazy. You just have to know which one you are operating from. Its when you don't know and believe that you are sane and everyone else is crazy, that's when insanity hits.

Now as I think further, you are upset that I have chosen to actually focus on this course of study and let my extracurricular church activities go by the wayside. I attend church on Sunday, I've only missed one, and I attend bible study, when it happens. But all the other activities for the last three months I have been to few if any of the events.

Why, because I have been preparing for the national boards. Now it seems to me you seem to indicate that one might be doing this for the money, recognition or fame/pride. If I was a young college student you would want me to improve my teaching methods to impact the young people who want to learn so that we can increase our graduation rate and reduce the dropout rate.

Its essential that we have qualified and involved teachers to impact our youth, but for me, the message from you seemed to be, you just doing this for the money and fame/pride, just to say you're the best or look at me, I did this really hard thing.

What I really hear is "its not fair, you took yourself away from me, that was suppose to be my time and you gave it to them, you chose that over me, not fair, you say you love me but you chose that over me". I need you here with me, not off doing something else. I'm saving the world, our youth and I need you here with me. Now that's all well and good if I were really going to be with you, by your side during all of this but the reality is that I am not with you or even near you. I am usually in the crowd, pushed and shoved, rained on and left without a seat. I rarely complain about it and I look forward to getting back into just that but for right now, I am doing something for me and its requiring me to pull from every one's time.

My family hates me right now, I give them the very barest minimum of time. I argue with my mother constantly. She cant even say good morning without me having something to say about it. I avoid Austin like the plague. I will keep him only on the times when she works.

I keep telling everyone, its only for a few more weeks but no one cares, its all about them getting time, and you are the same way. I want my time, I want my time, I want my time. Just chill, calm down, don't be so impatient. March 31st will be here and I will have freed up some time. The assessment test is not until June and of course school is coming to a close then also.

You were off doing your thing and I found something to do also while I wait. Nothing harmful or disastrous, or so I thought, I'm still waiting. I'm still here.

Thank You

Taste and See that the Lord is Good.
That's where I am picking up the sermon. You know I didnt get to hear it in its entirety.
I know that you are much more solid in your message. Thank you for not shouting at me. Too much. Just enough.
Same Game, just a different name.
Provision, Protection, and Pride. Satan comes at you with
You can never love anyone until you love God. Then you will know fake love when you run into it on the street. You tried to define love in the flesh and not in the spirit. We try to satisfy our hunger and provision by somebody. Stop trying to find your love in the flesh until you get it in the spirit. Falling in love with somebody you cant see but not loving somebody you can see. The devil makes you think you have to satisfy yourself. We try to satisfy a spiritual hunger. You cant find in the world what heaven has to give you. We say God is our provider, but we try to find our provision in someone else. We are looking to be satisfied by the world, some of us are slaves to our paycheck, the world and the lottery. Some are slaves to the boat. Satan comes back in protection.
Satan has a way of taking us to high places and tries to make us make decisions from a wrong perspective. Dont allow Satan to take you to a wrong place to make decisions. Dont make decisions while your perception is off base. Dont let Satan take you to a place to make a decision about someone because of their hips, lips, chest, car, or billfold. You cannot make a decision from a desert place.
Walk with Godly counsel. Dont get tricked by the enemy. Calm Down, then decide what you are going to do.
See if you can deal with church people. These are just world people dressed up. We try to be different but we are not that holy. We just spend alot of times just trying not to go into relapse.
We have to run to the word when we have the wrong view.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Passion of the Christ

I am watching it now.
I heard from those who went to the Columbia viewing that they were very much into the aspects of the movie, the producer and the specifics of the setting, plot and theme of the way Mel Gibson presented the movie.
Who knows if Jesus was the first to introduce the table and chair in the manner that we know it today. One thing we do know to be true is that all thought and creation of everything comes from God. There is nothing new under the sun. Whatever the specifics of Gibson and his beliefs, we are aware of the fact that it did occur and that the interpretation is to those who pass the story on and those who believe the story. The truth shall set you free.
God is a good God and good and evil will always have an audience together.
I pray that today was a good day. That the hearts and mind of our legislature were soften. I pray that the right and just decisions were made today. I pray that you are victorious in everything that you ask for today. I pray for all of your hearts desires to come to fruition today. I pray for today to be a victorious day for you. I love you and want nothing but the best for you today. We have to make a sacrifice.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hello, I'm Sorry, Forgive Me, Please, Please

No matter how tough the situation is that you are facing, trust and obey the direction of The Father. He will make the Holy Spirit, supernatural comfort filled decision available for you.
I pray in the Lord that you save our children. We need the bill to pass and to pass with enthusiasm. This is important for our community. Our children need to know that they are valuable. The shooters need to know there is another choice. God has not given up on them. They matter in this world. Stop the self hate and destructive behavior. Love yourself so that you can love your neighbor. God release the devil from their mind and their body. Allow them to value themselves.
I am going crazy with this national board stuff. I cant wait until the first part is done. March 31st. is the due date. It has to be postmarked no later than the 31st. Over night delivery, fed ex special. Nothing else is on my radar but that. Its selfish, self centered and single minded. I am not going to do it over if I dont make it. This is the most grueling thing I have ever done in my life. Had I known how incredibly difficult and timely this was I would have never do this. Never, ever, ever. But now that I am down this road, there's no turning back, its do or die. If I stop now, I'm just wasting my money. If I finish and then still don't pass, then oh well. I just can't give up.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Passion of The Christ

Christ, The Christ, Our Redeemer.
You were the first to tell me that he is The Christ and not just Jesus Christ. As if its his last name. What is the meaning of this Christ. What do we mean when we say he is The Christ?
The Father has sent a Redeemer who was murdered and rebuked.
But we who believe in him as our Redeemer have everlasting life.
I have been listening to the new testament in my car, as you well know, I have gotten through the first two or three books, I am at John and I have no idea which book that is. The audio version is the one with the same actor that played in the Passion of the Christ. This is the dramatic version and I just love listening to it. I enjoy the history. I am listening everyday until I have heard the whole new testament. It is my Lenten penance. I have given up anger and will try to be more receptive and understanding. I will get my message across with out the anger. I was very angry with my students and I want to change that. I am under pressure right now and it wont leave until March 31 when the portfolio is due and then in June when I take the assessment. I wish I had never decided to do this national board teaching stuff. Its not worth it. Just a lot of trouble and fuss and money for nothing. Its like taking four graduate level courses at the same time and then having a written test on all of them on one day that you have to prepare for. I hate that I didn't quit in time and now I am under the gun to get this done and complete. I have decided that if I don't pass I will not do this again. No Not Ever.Ever.Ever.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spirit Filled

Minister to the incarcerated. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me. There is a reason why the Spirit is upon you. You have a mission, to preach the gospel to the poor. Weak, down hearted, and lost. To preach deliverance. Preach to those that do not know God. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Their eyes will be opened, those that don't believe, shall believe. Captives will be set free. God will give joy. Joy in our hearts. Joy in the going in and coming out of our daily lives. God will pour out his anointing on us all. Let God talk to you, hear his heart. Do not harden your heart. Listen for his word. Listen. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...They that wait upon the Lord...Wait on the Lord...

Monday, March 9, 2009

God's Gift

What do you do when your faith is challenged by others? You speak and stand in courage. Through the Holy Spirit you speak the word of God boldly. You remind each other that love is a gift of God.

You understand how much you need each other when faced with the constant challenge of experiencing and communicating the gospel to the world.

God meets a need in your life when he gives you a valuable and loving gift of love by another human being. " All the believers were one in heart and mind" Acts 4:32

Father God I pray and confess that we are able to endure a long and faithful relationship. I pray for good health and a long life together.

I pray that we are patient and kind to each other. That we do not boil over with jealousy and envy. I pray that we are not rude and prideful to each other.

We do not rejoice in wrongdoing and injustice to each other. I pray that our union together is under girded with truth and righteousness. I pray that we are able to bear up under anything that comes our way.

I pray that we are able and ready to believe the best of each other. That we are ready to support and encourage and love each other.

I pray that our hopes are never swayed as long as we are together. I pray that we endure everything together with out weakening our faith and love for each other.

I pray that our love never fails. I pray that it never becomes obsolete or comes to an end. I pray that we hold each other in high esteem and delight in the company of one another.

I pray that we forgive each other readily and freely and take no offense that is held in our hearts or minds to be inflated or haughty.
I pray that we are imitators of God and copy his example of loved children who imitate their Father.

Thank You God that our relationship grows stronger each and every day and that we are found pleasing in your eyes.

Each and every day let us find our faith in Your Word and let us be an example of Your Love. We give you all the Praise, All the Glory, and All the Honor, In Jesus Name. Amen.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

As Good As It Gets

This is one of my most favorites movies. He is able, due to his own selfish needs , to meet the needs of the woman whom he will eventually love and need, by desiring something from her to allow him to function in his own self centered obsessive compulsive world. This movie is the ultimate male = female relationship. When we have a relationship, we are able to find out how what is needed is matched by one supplying that need. Here we have a man who selfishly has a need but by trying to meet his need he helps a woman who has a huge priority/need in her life, her son's health(asthma). When his health is under control, she is able to get back to her mundane job, which is something that is important to one particular person. After her son improves she finds herself needing to thank this person who only provided the service because he needed her to be in her servitude role for them and through this need to thank them for such a huge service in her life they become intimate. Not lovers, yet, but intimate, on the verge of that next step. That is why I like this movie. He recognized that in order to fulfill his need he had to make her life better. Make her priorities less demanding. He lessen the burdens in her life. Not because he wanted to make her happy or more comfortable but because he wanted to make sure that she was available to care for his needs without any interruptions. When he actually interacted with her son he was rude and inappropriate. The complexities of life are always difficult. What is the point of this movie. Who knows.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Message

Sometimes the message gets lost in the screaming. When I am trying to get my students attention I have a tendency to raise my voice as they raise theirs. Then soon we are all shouting. I know that they are not learning in that environment. Sometimes I have to tell my self to stop shouting. Have you ever walked by a teacher's room and she was yelling or just shouting at the class or one child in particular. That child may have needed it and even deserved it but at that moment, the teacher looks bad. How to handle a situation without the shouting is so important.
I know you had a message on Tuesday, keep believing in God's promise in your life. God has not given up, forgotten or left you. Don't help God out by trying to work your plan. Believe God's promise is for you. But you know what, I just heard you shouting at me. It was as if you were mad and had to get a message out. There was more flesh coming out that night and less God. You shouted at me for almost two hours straight. That's what I remember most about that night.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Just Thinking

Because I have some time on my hands and I am suppose to be working on my portfolio, doing some writing but I'm not, I thought about the dream. I know its important. I challenge myself daily not to be drawn into the "drama of chose me over the church" But the dream is not chose me over God because that's not whats being asked of you. Its chose religion or me. Its a new job, a different boss, but yet and still the same boss. My big thing was I would be so guilty because I know how much the church means to you. I know the relationship has been strained at times but it was something your family and your mother inparticular wanted for you so I know honoring her and staying with it was very important. I respect that and honor you for your continual commitment to the church. You have done great things in your desire to live a christian life. I often ask myself if this is something you really want. Why should you have to chose one or the other, why cant you have both. And when you chose do you have to hate one and love the other. Which will I become, the loved or the hated. Will you be sorry that you had to give it up? I just wonder. That's what was asked of you years ago and your choice was religion. It helped you develop a stronger relationship with God. The storefront that you found God in was a means to the King, The Lord of Lords. The peacefulness allows me to feel secure in your decision. That it is your decision. I have not coerced or bribed you. I have said nothing. Its your decision. Is God in that choice. I believe he is. What does that storefront on 79th have to do with it? What does Provence have to do with it? Are these symbols that we know have meaning in our lives? Where do we go from here? What does it mean, if anything. Its a mystery yet it makes sense. There are connections. It has begun a fire in me and gave me something to write about.

The Dream Revisited

The clarification was interesting because it brought more clarity to things that I had dismissed. There was no talking in this dream. This is the dream that just wont quit. The images are what I remember. They are vibrant and clear. I know know that the street we are initially marching is Racine between 78th and 79th but its not Racine because its a small street like Troop. I say its Racine because we are marching by this white storefront church, the one by BJ's parking lot. But we are marching past that church. I don't even know the name of it, I barely notice it. I recall the church because I parked on Racine yesterday and saw it.
While we are marching this man on the other side of you is in a black suit, so are you but when we are in France, you are in your altar robes. He is still in a black suit. When you give back the envelope, it is open, like its been torn open and I can see the gold lining of the envelope. Its like you have read it but you are returning it, either declining it or passing it on to this person. During all of this I don't say anything to you, you don't say anything to me, we are just holding hands. After you give this person the envelope we sit and watch the sunset, still not speaking. I pray that in getting this last part out that this dream is done. I hope you are over that experience from your childhood and are ready for a real woman. Have a blessed day today and be a blessing to someone.


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